About the Federal Preservation Institute (FPI)

The Federal Preservation Institute (FPI) is a virtual academy of education and training opportunities in historic preservation for Federal agencies. As leaders of the nation-wide historic preservation program, Federal agencies must bring the same high quality of professional and technical knowledge and skills to historic preservation that they bring to their other responsibilities.

The Federal Preservation Institute's mission is mandated by Section 101(j) of the National Historic Preservation Act, that directs the Secretary of the Interior to "implement a comprehensive preservation education and training program." To accomplish this, the Institute' programs are designed to Federal agencies to carry out its responsibility to integrate our national historic preservation policy and legal requirements with its own mission by helping their personnel obtain the knowledge and skills in historic preservation that enable them to serve their agencies.

NPS Director
Secretary of the Interior Dirk Kempthorne and newly appointed National Park Service Director Mary Bomar. Director Bomar is the 17th Director of the National Park Service.

The "comprehensive preservation education and training program" mandated by the National Historic Preservation Act includes: "new standards and increased preservation training opportunities for Federal workers involved in preservation-related functions." The FPI assists Federal agencies in providing education, training, and awareness opportunities for persons responsible for carrying out the National Historic Preservation Act, and other related public laws. FPI was created by the National Park Service in 2000 to assist all federal employees, from the Executive, Judicial, and Legislative branches. The Federal Preservation Institute carries out activities in the following areas:

Federal Training Work Group – a monthly meeting of Federal Preservation Officers and representatives of all Federal agencies and interested representatives of state, local, and tribal governments and of not-for-profit organizations. The purpose of the monthly two hour meetings is to exchange information and to provide training in subjects related to historic preservation.

Stewardship Awareness Program – a series of publications and materials to introduce senior Federal executives and other personnel to Federal historic preservation responsibilities.

Historic Preservation Learning Portal – dissemination of information and training materials, including programs that meet the needs of Federal agency staffs.

Special Subject Seminars – presentations through conferences, distance learning, and other venues on specific topics, including consultation with Native Americans and protection of historic places from disasters.


The Federal Preservation Institute is participating in the goals of PRESERVE AMERICA, an interagency initiative established under Executive Order 13287 signed by President Bush on March 3, 2003

Preserve America


Executive Order 13287: "Preserve America"
Signed by President Bush on March 3, 2003, this Executive order establishes Federal policy to provide leadership in preserving America's heritage by actively advancing the protection, enhancement, and contemporary use of the historic properties owned by the Federal Government.

The order also encourages agencies to seek partnerships with State, tribal, and local governments and the private sector to make more efficient and informed use of these resources for economic development and other recognized public benefits. In addition, it directs the Secretary of Commerce, working with other agencies, to use existing authorities and resources to assist in the development of local and regional heritage tourism programs that are a significant feature of many State and local economies.

The White House is working to implement Preserve America with the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, the U.S. Department of the Interior, the U.S. Department of Commerce, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.