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NYPA’S "Power to Schools" program is earning high marks from officials at public and private schools across the state. This initiative, authorized by the state legislature in 2004, helps K-12 public and private schools conserve energy and save money by providing them with additional options to improve energy efficiency and utilize clean energy technologies.

Energy Services

Photo of school that has benefited from NYPA's energy efficiency programs.
Photo of hallway in Kingston school brightened with energy-efficient lighting installed by NYPA.
Photo of high-efficiency, clean-burning boiler being installed by NYPA at a Buffalo school. Photo of NYPA-installed photovoltaic panels at middle school in Yorktown Heights.

Under the Power to Schools program, we are installing energy efficiency projects (such as lighting upgrades, high-efficiency motors for heating and ventilation, replacement or renovation of boilers and chillers, lighting occupancy sensors, insulation and energy management systems) that can cut energy costs.

We are also assisting schools to take advantage of clean energy technologies such as solar photovoltaic panels, fuel cells, microturbines, combined heat and power projects and other distributed generation projects that reduce reliance on fossil fuel power plants, lower emissions of greenhouse gases and help to improve environmental quality.

Our first project, for the Albany City School District, replaced an inefficient steam boiler plant with two new boilers and installed a temperature control system. Additional work, to install new chillers at Albany High School, is now underway, with more savings expected. District savings, once all construction costs are paid off, are expected to be more than $131,000 a year. 

One of our latest project is about to begin in the Williamsville Central School District in Erie County. All 13 of the district’s educational facilities will upgraded with energy efficiency improvements, resulting in estimated savings of $520,000 annually.

To spread the word about Power to Schools, we continue to hold outreach forums in various parts of the state. Officials from both public and private schools are mailed invitations when we offer an outreach forum in their area.

Public schools within the five boroughs of New York City need prior approval from the New York City Department of Citywide Administrative Services, Office of Energy Conservation, before NYPA can begin a project within their specific school.

In 2007, NYPA invested a record $123 million in energy-efficiency and clean-energy projects and now has surpassed $1.028 billion of cumulative investments. NYPA energy-saving projects at 2,666 schools and other public facilities statewide are: reducing energy bills by $103 million annually; saving more than 2 million barrels of oil a year and 945,800 megawatt hours of energy and cutting annual greenhouse emissions by more than 830,000 tons.

Contact Us

This program is open to K - 12 schools in New York State. If you are a school administrator and are interested in exploring possible energy services or clean energy technologies programs for your school, please contact:

Brian Vattimo
518-433-6734 or



November 19 - Substantial Savings Slated for Williamsville Central School District from N.Y. Power Authority Energy Efficiency Project