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Capacity, Energy and Energy Products

NYPA frequently makes market purchases of a variety of products to use in service to our customers.  The range of products includes:

  • Unforced Capacity (UCAP), in NYISO Zone J (New York City) and Rest-Of-State

  • Energy supplies – as financial swaps (Contracts for Differences) and physical bi-lateral agreements

  • Energy supplies or credits/attributes from qualified renewable sources

Current and Upcoming Solicitations

The New York Power Authority requests bids for the purchase of Renewable Energy Attributes for compliance with New York State Executive Order 111 for 2008 compliance year.  Details  (new)

The New York Power Authority is requesting information in order to prepare a solar power purchase agreement. The agreement will be for six megawatts of PV equipment to be installed at facilities of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA). Details  (new)

The New York Power Authority requests proposals for its Power for Jobs™ program for August 2008 through June 2009.  Details

The New York Power Authority requests proposals to provide long-term supply of In-City Unforced Capacity and Optional Energy (RFP LTS #5) - November 8, 2007. Details

Add Your Name to Our Contact List

If you would like to receive notification of upcoming Requests for Proposals and Competitive Search solicitations for the capacity, energy supplies or energy attributes described above, please register below  (* indicates required field).

First Name  

*Last Name 


*Address 1  

Address 2   






*Phone          Ext.


Please check all that apply:

  I am interested in providing capacity (UCAP) supplies.

  I am interested in providing energy supplies or swaps.

  I am interested in providing renewable energy or attributes.






November 18 - New York Power Authority Requests Information for Purchases of Solar Power for Metropolitan Transportation Authority