FASAB Meeting / Agenda


The FASAB will be meeting Thursday, June 25, 9:00 - 4:00, at GAO in Room 5N30. On Friday, June 26, FASAB will hold a public hearing on the Exposure Draft amending Statements 6 and 8 on property, plant, and equipment. The public hearing is scheduled from 9:00 to 4:00. We will post a speaker's schedule soon.

The agenda for the Thursday's Board meeting follows.

9:00 Administrative Matters

    -- approval of April minutes
    -- consideration of legal rep letters and "more likely than not"

9:45 Credit Reform Presentation from Small Business Administration and Dept. of Education

11:00 Management's Discussion and Analysis

    -- review of draft statement

12:00 Lunch

1:00 New Projects Discussion

2:00 IRS Request for Modification of SFFAS No. 7