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H R S A News U.S. Department of Health & Human Services
Health Resources and Services Administration


Tuesday, August 29, 2006

HRSA Recognizes Seven Outstanding HIV/AIDS Care Providers at National Conference

HHS’ Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) has recognized seven individuals for their exceptional contributions to caring for medically underserved Americans living with HIV/AIDS.

The awardees – who represent organizations funded under the Ryan White CARE Act – were honored at the fourth biennial CARE Act Training and Technical Assistance Grantee Conference held on August 28-31 at the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel in Washington, D.C. The conference was attended by more than 2,300 CARE Act grantees and representatives of public and private organizations.

“These honorees are on the front lines of care every day, making a profound difference in the lives of thousands who live with HIV/AIDS,” said HHS Secretary Mike Leavitt. “They serve in our largest cities and our remotest areas, and provide a critical lifeline to HIV/AIDS care.”

The awards and winners are:

  • Associate Administrator’s Award
    Kristen Ries, M.D., clinical director of the University of Utah Hospital's Infectious Diseases/HIV Clinics and co-director of the Utah AIDS Education and Training Center, Salt Lake City.
    For “raising the bar” for HIV care in Utah by directly providing HIV primary health care, supervising and training other clinicians, designing and leading quality management initiatives, and being a strong patient advocate for all individuals living with HIV.

  • Hank Carde Award for Metropolitan Services
    Michelle Long, M.H.A., director, HIV Health Services, San Francisco.
    For her leadership in adapting San Francisco’s HIV/AIDS service system to the needs of a changing epidemic, and for her years of dedicated service.

  • Dr. Nicholas Rango Award for State Services
    Victor J. Fox, manager, State of Oregon HIV Client Services Program, Portland.
    For his vision and leadership in creating the statewide Oregon HIV Coalition and HIV Care and Treatment Program, and for improving access to care and medications for low-income people living with HIV.

  • Gabe Kruks Memorial HIV/AIDS Service Award
    Helena Akua Kwakwa M.D., M.P.H., clinical director for HIV Services, Philadelphia Department of Public Health.
    For her commitment to providing access to high-quality HIV primary health care for Philadelphia residents and for her strong voice in on-going discussions of human rights and the HIV needs of consumers.

  • Rebecca Denison Award for Family Care Services
    Mobeen Rathore, M.D., director, Rainbow Center, University of Florida, Jacksonville.
    For his commitment to research, providing high-quality HIV primary health care, and being a champion of coordinated, comprehensive and family-focused care to ensure better health outcomes for individuals and families affected by HIV/AIDS.

  • Russell E. Brady Award for Innovative Services Delivery
    Michael A. Kaiser, M.D., associate chief medical officer, Louisiana State University Public Hospital System, New Orleans.
    For his work as Principal Investigator of the Special Projects of National Significance Information Technology Initiative and for his coordination of care for patients impacted in Louisiana by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.

  • AIDS Education and Training Centers Award
    Thomas J. Donohoe, M.B.A., director, University of California, Los Angeles, Local Performance Site of the Pacific AIDS Education and Training Center (AETC).
    For leading AETC collaboration efforts along the Border, resulting in the formation of the U.S.-Mexico Border Area Steering Team for the AETC program.

The honorees accepted their awards at a special conference-wide ceremony on Tuesday, August 29.

Since fiscal year 2001, the Bush administration has spent more than $10.4 billion in total CARE Act funding to help more than 500,000 individuals access life-sustaining care and services each year. President Bush has requested nearly $2.2 billion in fiscal year 2007, an increase of $95 million over FY 2006.

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