United States Department of Veterans Affairs
United States Department of Veterans Affairs
Overton Brooks VA Medical Center | Shreveport  LA
Disabled American Veterans (DAV) Transportation Network

DAV Transportation Network van imageBecause so many sick and disabled veterans lack transportation to and from VA medical facilities for needed treatment, the DAV operates a nationwide Transportation Network to meet this need.
The network is administered by DAV Hospital Service
Coordinators (HSCs) at the VA's 172 medical centers. The DAV has also donated vans, where needed, to make the program work. All DAV van drivers are volunteers and do not receive payment for the services they provide.

To use DAV transportation you must:

  • Have a scheduled appointment.
  • Call the DAV office at 1-800-644-8370 ext. 7025, or 318-221-8411 ext. 7025
    to schedule transportation.
  • Be able to get on and off the van without assistance.

Please call as soon as you know that you have an appointment scheduled, as space on the van is limited.
If you have scheduled an appointment and must cancel it, please notify the DAV office as soon as possible, so others needing transportation may be scheduled.

The DAV vans leave from:

  • Monroe - West Monroe Police Office at 6:15 AM
  • Texarkana – Miller County Jail Complex at 6:15 AM
  • Zwolle – Police Station at 6:15 AM

Local DAV transportation is also available in the Shreveport/Bossier area.
Please call the number above for details.

All DAV transportation vans are smoke and tobacco free! No alcohol or drugs are allowed. No one who is intoxicated will be permitted to ride on the DAV vans.