OGE Seal  

U.S. Office of Government Ethics
Grand Slam Employee Crossword Puzzle

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2. When a situation is not covered specifically by the standards of conduct, check your behavior against the 14 general ________
4. A common misconception about the post-employment law is that it restricts which ________ you work for

7. Don’t use your official ________ when fundraising in your personal capacity

9. An annual occasion when you may give your supervisor a gift of $10 or less

10. You must use an approved _________ if you use your official title when writing an article in a scientific or professional journal as an outside activity

13. Seek ethics advice _________ you take action on something that might involve an ethics issue

15. Generally, don’t accept gifts given because of your official _________

16. Generally, when you teach, speak, or write about something related to your job, you have to do it for _________

17. A cup of _________ is not a gift

21. Some high-ranking employees are restricted in the _________of money they can receive as outside earned income

22. Generally, you can’t use your position, title, or  _________ associated with your public office to imply that your agency sanctions your outside activities

24. You can’t have an outside job when it _________ with your official duties

29. When speaking at a conference as an outside activity you may use your government title as one of several _________ details

33. You are to protect and _________ government property

35. Public service is a public _________

37. ______ Moines

38. The ______ of March

40. This U.S. agency establishes ethics policy for the executive branch:  abbr.

41. ______ Aviv

42. The highest law of the U.S. and you are to pledge your loyalty to it

43. El ______ (weather phenomenon)

44. Successful job hunting may lead to post- _________ restrictions

45. Only your _________ may authorize you to give an official speech at a fundraiser

49. Recommending your neighbor for a federal job on agency _________ is ok if you have personal knowledge of his abilities or character

52. You can’t use your public office for private _________

54. Generally, you can’t use your government title or position to _________ any product, enterprise, or service

55. Widely-used and misused piece of government equipment

56. George Washington, e.g.

57. Generally, you can’t give your _________ a gift

59. This act governs the political activities of executive branch employees

60. Unless your job duties affect the _________ interests of a prospective employer, the seeking employment rules do not apply

62. When the rules do not permit you to accept a gift, you cannot tell the donor to give the gift to your _________  instead

64. As a general rule, don’t accept gifts from employees who make less  _________ than you do if you are in their chain of command

66. ______ Angeles

67. Collecting money for an employee’s retirement gift?  You may ask for _________ contributions for a group gift

69. Generally, don’t accept gifts from this type of source


1. This type of gift is permitted when your supervisor is a bride

2. The length of post-employment restrictions may be ________, two years, or one year, depending on what you worked on while with the government

3. See this person when you have an ethics question:  2 wds

5. Find out if your agency requires ________ approval for outside employment or activities

6. Accepting gifts too ________, even when permitted under the gift exceptions, is a bad idea

7. ____ - Tac - Toe

8. This group trusts you to serve their best interests

11. Behind schedule

12. One type of prohibited source is someone who does ________ with your agency

14. Requesting this does not mean you are seeking employment: 2 wds

18. Once you receive ethics advice, ________ it

19. You are seeking employment even if you ________ discussions until you finish the project that affects a potential employer

20. Precipitation

23. When fundraising in your personal capacity, one type of person from whom you can’t solicit money is a ________

25. One goal of the ethics program is to strengthen the ethical ________ in your agency

26. You learn on the job that Company X found the cure for a major disease.  You may not buy ________ in Company X before your agency announces the company found the cure

27. Representing ________ before the government after leaving government employment is generally ok

28. Office that investigates you when you violate the standards: 2 wds

30. Looking for a job outside the government?  Read the ________ employment part of the Standards of Conduct first

31. Office outfit

32. Violating the standards of conduct can get you fired; breaking a conflict of interest law can get you ________

34. Common contraction

36. Accepting gifts worth ________ dollars or less from outside sources is usually ok

37. Generally, you cannot accept money for speaking about your official ________

39. The name of the rules that tell you what you can and cannot do ethically:  3 wds

45. Residue in a fireplace

46. You can’t use ________ information to further your own private interest or that of another

47. You can’t use government property, including the services of ________, for unauthorized purposes

48. Generally, if your project could affect a prospective employer, then you may need to stop ________ on that project

50. You are to file and pay these by April 15th

51. The post-employment law places restrictions on ________ government employees

53. Don’t use your public office to improperly ________ yourself or others

58. Unless authorized, playing games on your office computer is a misuse of official ________ and government property

61. ____ wrestling

63. When you have not heard back in ________ months after sending a job application, you are no longer seeking employment

65. One ________ kind: 2 wds

68. Orange Pekoe, for example




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