Ethics Guidance

U.S. Office of Government Ethics
1201 New York Avenue, NW.
Suite 500
Washington, DC 20005


Gifts Between Employees

Executive branch employees may not give a gift to an official superior nor can an employee accept a gift from another employee who receives less pay, except in certain circumstances.

On an occasional basis, the following individual gifts to a supervisor are permitted --

  • gifts other than cash that are valued at no more than $10
  • food and refreshments shared in the office
  • personal hospitality in the employee's home that is the same as that customarily provided to personal friends
  • gifts given in connection with the receipt of personal hospitality that is customary to the occasion, and
  • transferred leave, provided that it is not to an immediate superior.

On certain special infrequent occasions a gift may be given that is appropriate to that occasion. These occasions include --

  • events of personal significance such as marriage, illness or the birth or adoption of a child, or
  • occasions that terminate the subordinate-official superior relationship such as retirement, resignation or transfer.

Employees may solicit or contribute, on a strictly voluntary basis, nominal amounts for a group gift to an official superior on a special infrequent occasion and occasionally for items such as food and refreshments to be shared among employees at the office.

Reference: 5 C.F.R. §§ 2635.301-304.