United States Department of Veterans Affairs
United States Department of Veterans Affairs

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Internet Search Tips


Default Search

Default Search uses Simple Query Parsing to retrieve documents containing ALL of the words in the query, including stemmed word variations. For example, a search on benefits would return documents containing any of the words benefits, benefit, or benefiting. Below is an example:

health benefits

Finds documents containing stemmed variations of both health and benefits.

Boolean Search

Boolean Search uses Internet Query Parsing to retrieve documents containing ALL of the words in the query, including stemmed word variations. For example, a search on benefits would return documents containing any of the words benefits, benefit, or benefiting. To search for an exact phrase, or to turn off stemming, enclose the query in quotes. Searching in fields is available for the Title, Keywords, and Subject fields. Below are some examples:

+"health" +"benefits"

Finds documents containing only the exact words health and benefits.
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+"health benefits"

Finds documents containing the exact phrase health benefits.
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+"health benefits" +eligibility

Finds documents containing both the exact phrase health benefits
and stemmed variations of the word eligibility.
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+"health benefits" -eligibility

Finds documents containing the exact phrase health benefits and do not contain stemmed variations of the word eligibility.
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health benefits

If neither sign is associated with the search term, the results may include documents that do not contain the specified term as long as they meet other search criteria.
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+title:"health benefits"

Finds documents containing the exact phrase health benefits in the Title field.
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+subject:"health benefits"

Finds documents containing the exact phrase health benefits in the Subject field.
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+keywords:"health benefits"

Finds documents containing the exact phrase health benefits in the Keywords field.
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Rate this document

Rate the document for your query. Ratings range from +10 to -10 where higher numbers will make the respective document more popular for the associated query term(s) and -10 will make the respective document less popular for the associated query term(s).


Advanced Search

Exclude results that contain these terms:

Enter terms that should NOT be included in a documents contents. Only documents without any of the terms will be returned.

Specify terms by field:

Use this feature to search documents by Title, Subject, Keywords, and/or URL. Use "Contains" to specify terms to be included in the field value, and "Does Not Contain" to define terms to be excluded. When using "Does Not Contain", only documents without any of the terms in the selected field will be returned.

Broaden search using synonyms:

Check this box to retrieve documents containing synonyms of the words entered in the Search Terms box. Synonyms will not be found for words entered in the Exclude and Field text boxes.

Hide summaries in results:

Check this box to hide document summaries in the search results list.

Results per page:

This option specifies the number of documents to be displayed per results page.

Specify a File Format:

Specifying a File Format will limit search results to only that format.

Sort results by:

Documents in the results list can be sorted by Relevance, Title, Subject or URL in either Ascending or Descending order.