Submit Your Entries for the 2009 Voting Slogan Contest Today!

The Federal Voting Assistance Program is pleased to announce the kick-off of the biennial contest to promote participation in the democratic process among citizens covered under the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act -- members of the Uniformed Services, the Merchant Marine, their families, and all U.S. citizens residing outside the United States.

To enter just create a simple slogan (or slogans) that expresses the importance of voting and will inspire one to vote. A panel of judges will review all slogan submissions and choose the winning slogan on its originality and motivational value. This winning slogan will be featured in the FVAP’s 2010/2011 outreach campaign which focuses on increasing voter awareness among U.S. citizens worldwideto include the FVAP website at , in the 2010/2011 Voting Assistance Guide, on motivational posters, and other FVAP publications.

The contest winner and runners-up will not only feel the satisfaction of knowing that their slogan is helping the FVAP in its efforts to improve voter awareness, but they will also be given a certificate of recognition from the Department for their contribution to this important endeavor.

There is no limit to the number of entries an individual may submit but submit but each entry may only contain one slogan. All entries must be received by April 9, 2009.

All submissions must include your full name, branch of service (if military), mailing address, daytime telephone number, fax number and e-mail address (if applicable). If submitting by mail, please type or print the slogan and contact info on a regular letter size sheet of paper.

How to submit entries:

E-mail: Text only (e-mail messages with attachments will be deleted for information security purposes). One slogan per e-mail including contact information.

Fax: (703) 696-1352 or DSN 426-1352. Visit the FVAP website at for international toll-free fax numbers. Submit one slogan per fax including contact information. No cover sheet is necessary.

Mail: Federal Voting Assistance Program
Attn: Voting Slogan Contest
1155 Defense Pentagon
Washington DC 20301-1155

"Be Smart, Do Your Part, Vote!" was the winning slogan for the 2007 Voting Slogan Contest. It was submitted by YNC Karen Bassingthwaite, U.S. Navy, Tampa, Florida. Many of the other exceptional slogan entries for the 2007 Voting Slogan Contest are featured in the 2008-2009 Voting Assistance Guide.

Please join the FVAP in helping to inspire others to vote by submitting your entry today and you could be one of this year’s winners!

Questions may be referred to the Director, Federal Voting Assistance Program, Department of Defense, 1155 Defense Pentagon, Washington, DC 20301-1155 or: Visit the FVAP website at

Last updated: 1.12.09