Biobased Products Best Practices Guide, 2nd Edition

The purpose of this Best Practices Guide is to provide information that will assist you and your agency to meet the requirements of the Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002 (the Farm bill), which requires Federal agencies to purchase biobased products. The recently completed 2nd edition of the Guide includes a list of the products officially designated as “biobased” by USDA, as well as the law and regulations, relevant Executive Orders, factual information, descriptions of actual practices, and examples of procurement of biobased products by government employees. It is intended to be a practical resource to assist you and your colleagues as you implement the program.

The links below will take you to the full Guide and twenty-five appendices, all of which are portable document files (pdf). Pdf files are read through Adobe Acrobat reader. (Download a copy of Adobe Acrobat®)

New Updates to the Best Practices Guide:

USDA Training

To view the full Guide, click here.

To view the full list of Appendices, click here.

To view the Evaluation Form for Best Practices Guide, click here.