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TOC\ Native American Resources\ Culture 

A Line in the Sand ***** - This site is offered as a place where the debate over where to draw the "Line in the Sand" on the issues of cultural property, Native American sovereignty, Native American identity, ethnic stereotypes, the commodification of Native American culture, and all related issues, can take place. A website devoted to issues of Cultural Property.   URL:
American Indian Culture Resources ***** - General, Census Reports, The Environment, Stereotypes, Cultural Property, Traditions, Music, American Indian Art, Cross Cultural Encounters in Art, Culture Centers, Museums, The Native American Image in Films.   URL:
Index of Native American Cultural Resources on the Internet **** - Multi-Cultural Sites, Tribe/Nation Sites, Other Cultural Resources.   URL:
Society of Native American Culture (SNAC)  - The Society of Native American Culture (SNAC), pronounced "snack", was founded in the Fall of 1994 at North Carolina State University by Lawrence T. Locklear (Lumbee). The purpose of SNAC is to: (1) serve as an information society for Native Americans and non-natives about Native American culture, issues and concerns through field trips, film series, lectures, and other activities...   URL:
UNM - Traditional Native American Tobacco Seed Bank and Education Program  - At the University of New Mexico (TNAT) has two objectives: collecting, preserving, growing and distributing the seeds of the many traditional Native American types of tobacco and educating Native Americans about the dangers of tobacco misuse.   URL:

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