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AAIP-Association of American Indian Physicians  - AAIP mission is to pursue excellence in Native American health care by promoting education in the medical disciplines, honoring traditional healing practices and restoring the balance of mind, body, and spirit.   URL:
Index of Native American Nonprofit Resources on the Internet  - Links to non-profit Funding sources and Non-Profit Organizations.   URL:
National Congress of American Indians  - NCAI serves to protect the rights of Indian Nations and Native Governments, to enhance the quality of life of Indian and Native people, and to promote a better understanding among the general public about Indian and Native governments, people and rights.   URL:
Native American Sites - Native Organizations and Urban Indian Centers **** - Links to Native Organizations and Urban Indian Centers.   URL:
The Montana Wyoming Tribal Leaders Council  - The council has recently merged with the Montana Wyoming Indian Health Board. Thei site will start placing a substantial amount of Indian Health information on the web site.   URL:
United National Indian Tribal Youth  - UNITY is a national network organization promoting personal development, citizenship and leadership among Native American youth.   URL:

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