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Gerald R. Ford Library & Museum  
A Day in the Life of the President

day in the
A4228-35A. President Ford enters the limousine upon on his departure from Constitution Hall after he addressed the 63rd Annual Meeting of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.
April 28, 1975.

This exhibit allows the viewer to examine the daily diary (a log of the President Gerald R. Ford's meetings and activities) for April 28, 1975. By selecting links from certain activities, you can view documentation (documents, photographs, and even a short video clip) on them.

Among other events on that day, the President spoke to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce on regulatory reform, ordered the evacuation of the last Americans from South Vietnam, and posed for photographs with the 1974-75 Miss National Teenager. 

The Daily Diary of President Gerald R. Ford - April 28, 1975

Please click on images to enlarge them

daily dairy 1


The President had breakfast.


The President went to the Oval Office. 


The President met with:
David A. Peterson, Chief, Central Intelligence Agency/Office of Current Intelligence (CIA/OCI)
White House Support Staff
Lt. Gen. Brent Scowcroft, Deputy Assistant for National Security Affairs


The President met with his Counsellor, Robert T. Hartmann.


The President met with his Assistant, Donald H. Rumsfeld.


The President met with Mr. Hartmann.


The President went to the South Grounds of the White House.


The President motored from the South Grounds to the Daughter's of the American Revolution (DAR) Constitution Hall, 18th and D Streets.


The President attended the 63rd Annual meeting of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.
Members of the press


The President was greeted by:
Charles Smith, Jr., Chairman of the Board of the U.S.
Chamber of Commerce
Arch N. Booth, President of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce
Clinton Morrison, Vice Chairman of the Board of the U.S.
Chamber of Commerce
Glenn E. Nielson, Invocater, President of the Washington, D.C. Mission of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints


The President went to the President-General's Room. He was escorted by:
Mr. Smith
Mr. Booth
Mr. Morrison
Mr. Nielson


The President, escorted by Mr. Smith, went to an offstage
announcement area.


The President, escorted by Mr. Smith, went to
the platform. The President was introduced by Mr. Smith.
For a list of platform guests, see APPENDIX A

10:23?- 10:40?

The President addressed approximately 3,000 members of affiliated Chambers of Commerce attending the meeting.
Members of the press


The President, escorted by Mr. Smith, returned to his motorcade.


The President motored from the DAR Constitution Hall to the South
Grounds of the White House.


The President returned to the Oval Office.


The President met with:
Mr. Hartmann
John O. Marsh, Jr., Counsellor
Mr. Rumsfeld
Max L. Friedersdorf, Assistant for Legislative Affairs
Ronald H. Nessen, Press Secretary


The President met with:
Henry A. Kissinger, Secretary of State


The President met with:
Lt. Gen. Scowcroft


The President met with Mr. Marsh.


The President met to discuss federal aid to parochial schools with:
Monsignor Herman H. Zerfas, Superintendent of Education,
Diocese of Grand Rapids, Michigan
Ival E. Zylstra, Administrator, School and Governmental
Relations, National Union of Christian Schools,
Grand Rapids, Michigan
James M. Cannon III, Executive Director of the Domestic Council and Assistant for Domestic Affairs


The President met with Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare (HEW) Caspar W. Weinberger.


The President met with:
Mr. Rumsfeld
Richard B. Cheney, Deputy Assistant


The President participated in the swearing-in
ceremony of John Dellenback as Associate Director of International Operations, ACTION. For a list of attendees, see APPENDIX B.


The President met with:
Mr. Rumsfeld
Mr. Cheney


The President met with:
Governor James E. Holshouser (R-North Carolina)
Mr. Hartmann
Mr. Rumsfeld


The President met with:
Congressman Richard Kelly (R-Florida)
Lisa Lyon, 1974-75 Miss National Teenager
Mrs. E.G. Shaeffer, Miss National Teenager Pageant Director
Charles Leppert, Jr., Special Assistant for Legislative Affairs


The President talked with Secretary Kissinger.
[phone call received]


The President met with:
William T. Coleman, Jr., Secretary of Transportation
Mr. Cheney
William N. Walker, Director of the Presidential
Personnel Office and Deputy Special Representative-designate for Trade


The President went to the Cabinet Room.


The President attended a meeting to discuss the economy and energy. For a list of attendees, see APPENDIX C.


The President, accompanied by Vice President Nelson A. Rockefeller, returned to the Oval Office.


The President met with:
Vice President Rockefeller.


The President met with:
Secretary Kissinger.


The President went to the Roosevelt Room. He was accompanied by:
Vice President Rockefeller
Secretary Kissinger


The President participated in a National Security Council (NSC) meeting. For a list of attendees, see APPENDIX D.


The President returned to the Oval Office.


The President returned to the second floor Residence.


The President met with: 
Secretary Kissinger


The President met with: 
Lt. Gen. Scowcroft 


The President talked with Mr. Rumsfeld.
[phone call received]


The President and the First Lady had dinner.


The President talked with Secretary Kissinger
[phone call received]


The President talked with Secretary of Defense James R.
[phone call received]


The President talked with Secretary Kissinger.
[phone call received]


The President talked with the U.S. Secret Service Agent
stationed at the Residence stairway.
[phone call placed]


The President returned to the Oval Office.


A record of the President's meetings during this time period was not available for inclusion in the President's diary.


The President was telephoned by Secretary Kissinger. The call was not completed.
[phone call received]


The President went to the Situation Room.


The President returned to the second floor Residence.

A4228-6A. President Ford addresses the 63rd Annual Meeting of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce at Constitution Hall. April 28, 1975.
A4228-6A. President Ford addresses the 63rd Annual Meeting of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce at Constitution Hall. April 28, 1975.
daily diary 2
A4253-11 President Ford meets in the Oval Office with Msgr. Herman H. Zerfas, Superintendent of Education, Diocese of Grand Rapids, and Administrator Ivan E. Zylstra. James M. Cannon, Assistant to the President for Domestic Affairs, is also present. April 28, 1975.
A4253-11. President Ford meets in the Oval Office with Msgr. Herman H. Zerfas, Superintendent of Education, Diocese of Grand Rapids, and Administrator Ivan E. Zylstra. James M. Cannon, Assistant to the President for Domestic Affairs, is also present. April 28, 1975.

daily diary 3
A4253-19. In the Oval Office President Ford greets Miss Lisa Lyon, Miss National Teenager of 1974-75; Rep. Richard Kelly of Florida's 5th Congressional District; and Mrs. E. G. Schaeffer, Director of the Miss National Teenager Pageant. April 28, 1975.
A4253-19. In the Oval Office President Ford greets Miss Lisa Lyon, Miss National Teenager of 1974-75; Rep. Richard Kelly of Florida's 5th Congressional District; and Mrs. E. G. Schaeffer, Director of the Miss National Teenager Pageant. April 28, 1975.

daily diary 4
A4234-11A. President Ford presides over a meeting of the National Security Council on the situation on Vietnam. April 28, 1975. (clockwise, left to right) William Colby, Director, CIA; Robert S. Ingersoll, Deputy Secretary of State; Henry Kissinger; GRF, James Schlesinger, Defense Secretary; William Clements, Deputy Secretary of Defense; Vice President Rockefeller; and General George S. Brown, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
A4234-11A. President Ford presides over a meeting of the National Security Council on the situation on Vietnam. April 28, 1975. (clockwise, left to right) William Colby, Director, CIA; Robert S. Ingersoll, Deputy Secretary of State; Henry Kissinger; GRF, James Schlesinger, Defense Secretary; William Clements, Deputy Secretary of Defense; Vice President Rockefeller; and General George S. Brown, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

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