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Photo of workers on transmission towerWe provide transmission service throughout New York State over our more than 1,400 circuit-miles of high voltage transmission lines. Customers can obtain service on the New York transmission system through the New York Independent System Operator's (NYISO) OASIS (Open Access Same-Time Information System) node. All transmission service in the state is subject to the NYISO Open Access Transmission Tariff (OATT). Details of the tariff can be found on the NYISO web site.

The Power Authority belongs to the Northeast Power Coordinating Council, formed shortly after the 1965 Northeast Blackout to promote the reliability and efficiency of interconnected power systems throughout the northeastern United States and central and eastern Canada. Membership in this regional reliability council includes transmission providers, transmission customers, power pools and independent system operators in Northeastern North America.

New York Power Authority Transmission Owner Information

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission requires that certain transmission system information be posted on an OASIS site. As a transmission owner, NYPA is glad to provide the following information to support the NYISO OASIS:

Our Standards of Conduct and organizational structure ensure that the Power Authority treats all customers equally.