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Buy American Act Report

Section 837 of Public Law 109-115, Title VIII, dated November 30, 2005 provides the annual reporting requirements for the Buy American Act and requires each Federal agency to submit a report to Congress on the amount of acquisitions made by the agency from entities that manufacture the articles, materials, or supplies outside of the United States in that fiscal year.

In compliance with the requirement stated above, the Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission (OSHRC) provides the following information for FY 2006.

1.         The dollar value of any articles, materials, or supplies purchased that were manufactured outside the United States:

Response:  OSHRC made no purchases of any articles, materials, or supplies that were manufactured outside of the United States and that were above the micro-purchase threshold of $2,500.

2.         An itemized list of all waivers granted with respect to such articles, materials or supplies under the Buy American Act (41 U.S.C. 10a et seq.);

Response:  No waivers were requested or granted related to this requirement during FY 2006.

3.         Provide a summary of the total procurement funds spent on goods manufactured in the United States versus funds spent on goods manufactured outside of the United States.

            Goods manufactured in the United States: $22,889.17
            Goods manufactured outside the United States:   - 0 -

We will make this information available for viewing by the public on OSHRC’s homepage (www.oshrc.gov).  If you have any questions concerning this information, please contact Laura Marin at (202) 606-5390.


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