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Pediatric Dental Initative of the North Coast, Inc

  1. Project Identifier Information

    1. Project Title: Pediatric Dental Initative of the North Coast, Inc
    2. Project Number: H17MC06236
    3. Email address: kandrews@pedidental.org

  2. Budget

    1. MCHB Grant Award Amount: (Line 1, Form 1)$50,000
    2. Unobligated Balance: (Line 2, Form 1)$0
    3. Matching Funds: (if applicable) (Line 3, Form 1)$0
    4. Other Project Funds: (Line 4, Form 1)$0
    5. Total Project Funds: (Line 5, Form 1)$50,000

    The MCHB Grant Award Amount may differ from the total budget amount displayed on the Snapshots page due to grant actions that occurred after this report was submitted. These grant actions would include supplemental funding such as carryovers and extensions.

  3. Type(s) of Service Provided

    • Infrastructure Building Service

  4. Project Description on Experience to Date

    1. Project Description

      1. Problem:

        The mission of the Pediatric Dental Initiative of the North Coast (PDI) is to create a sustainable dentistry resource that will serve the children of Sonoma, Mendocino and Lake Counties who need safe sedation for dental treatment, regardless of their insurance status or their ability to pay.

      2. Goals and Objectives: List up to 5 major goals and time-framed objectives per goal for the project.

        Goal 1: 1) Open pediatric dental surgery center, 2) begin offerring case management services to families, 3) establish a patient sponsorship program.
        Objective 1: Dentist to secure an SBA loan. Dentist to partner with other local dentists and practitioners who will provide services at the surgery center. Purchase a building, begin build out, receive licensure as and ASC and begin providing services.
        Objective 2: 4-6 months prior to opening the surgery center, circulate job description for PDI case managers, begin interview process and successfully hire two case managers.
        Objective 3: After construction has begun on the surgery center, PDI will finalize guidelines for accessing Patient Sponsorship Funds and establish the fund at the Community Foundation Sonoma County. PDI will begin a donor campaign to solicit additional donations into the Patient Sponsorship fund.
      3. Activities/Methodology undertaken to meet project goals:

        1) PDI will continue to seek a relationship between the lead dentist, the building owner of an identified build-to-suit location, architects, contractor and an SBA loan officer to bring dentistry services requiring anesthesia to children and special healthcare needs patients into existence. 2) PDI will hire two case managers within 4-6 months prior to opening the surgery center and begin enrolling families in the proper health insurance plan. Case managers will also be trained to provide proper education to famlies about ECC prevention. 3) After construction has begun on the surgery center, PDI will seek additional contributions from local donors to pay into the Patient Sponsorhsip Program. PDI has secured several small donations, and anticipates more will come once services become available.

      4. The first three Healthy People 2010 objectives which this project addresses are listed below.

        1. Related to Objective 16.23. Increase the proportion of Territories and States that have service systems for Children with Special Health Care Needs to 100 percent.
        2. Related to Objective 16.23: Increase the proportion of States and jurisdictions that have service systems for children with or at risk for chronic and disabling conditions as required by Public Law 101-239.
        3. Related to Objective 23.11 (Developmental) Increase the proportion of State and local public health agencies that meet national performance standards for essential public health services.

      5. Coordination: List the State, local health agencies or other organizations involved project and their roles.

        Sharon Oman, Maternal and Child Health Coordinator, continues to be informed of PDI activities. The First 5 Commissions of Sonoma, Mendocino and Lake Counties have representation on the PDI Board and continue to be involved the project. Other community health clinics from the three-county region also maintain representation on the PDI Board.

      6. Evaluation : briefly describe the methods which will be used to determine whether process and outcome objectives are met.

        PDI outcomes and objectives will be met once construction of the surgery center begins. PDI has in place proper case management and patient sponsorship protocols and guidelines that are ready for implementation following the start of construction on the surgery center.

    2. Continuing Grants ONLY

      1. Experience to Date :

        To date, PDI: 1) Received its 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status 2) Signed addendum to MOA with lead dentist to pay a percentage of his net profits to PDI for education and case management efforts, treat 20 uninsured patients a year pro-bono, treat a number of low-income Medi-Cal and Healthy Families patients and low-income special healthcare needs patients each year at the surgery center. 3) Secured the talents of a local architecture company, WIX, which has drafted initial plans for the layout of the surgery center. 4) Identified the best possible option for build-out of the dental surgery center. 5) Continues to seek talents of other local dentists to participate on the Board or partner with Dr. Hagele. 6) Hosted an educational/informational booth at local Market. Staff spoke with families from the target population about preventing ECC. Educational materials were handed out to families and children. Over 100 children received dental related prizes. 7) Hired a Program Coordinator to head the daily administrative duties of PDI. 8) Developed an official logo and website: www.pedidental.org 9) Received substantial grant from The California Endowment and a grant from the Department of Developmental Services.

      2. Website URL and annual number of hits:

        URL: pedidental.org

        Number of hits:

  5. Key Words

    • Access to dental care
    • Access to health care
    • Anesthesia
    • Barriers to Health Care
    • Collaboration
    • Early childhood caries
    • Education
    • Health insurance
    • Surgery
    • Young children

  6. Annotation:

    PDI will create a self-sustaining pediatric dental surgery center, offering sedation and general anesthesia for restorative dental surgery for children from low-income families and special healthcare needs patients suffering from ECC and other forms of tooth decay. PDI will offer prevention education and case management services to the communities to be served. Bilingual services and materials will be a major part of the project.

Are the Data Reported on this Form Provisional or Final?


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