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  1. Project Identifier Information

    1. Project Title: MOUNTAIN STATES GROUP
    2. Project Number: H17MC06710
    3. Email address: mkinney@mtnstatesgroup.org

  2. Budget

    1. MCHB Grant Award Amount: (Line 1, Form 1)$50,000
    2. Unobligated Balance: (Line 2, Form 1)$0
    3. Matching Funds: (if applicable) (Line 3, Form 1)$0
    4. Other Project Funds: (Line 4, Form 1)$0
    5. Total Project Funds: (Line 5, Form 1)$50,000

    The MCHB Grant Award Amount may differ from the total budget amount displayed on the Snapshots page due to grant actions that occurred after this report was submitted. These grant actions would include supplemental funding such as carryovers and extensions.

  3. Type(s) of Service Provided

    • Enabling Service
    • Infrastructure Building Service

  4. Project Description on Experience to Date

    1. Project Description

      1. Problem:

        "Starting Points for Youth" will implement intervention models that target low-income youth in five rural and frontier Idaho counties, with emphasis on Hispanic youth living in these communities, who may be eligible for the state's children's health insurance programs.

      2. Goals and Objectives: List up to 5 major goals and time-framed objectives per goal for the project.

        Goal 1: Through community youth coalitions in five rural and frontier Idaho counties, create new and innovative strategies to reach uninsured youth with information about state health coverage programs.
        Objective 1: Involve existing county and youth coalitions in designing and implementing outreach strategies that build on uniques partnerships and resources in their specific communities. Months 1-30, Blaine and Boise counties; months 31-60, Cassia, Twin Falls and Minidoka counties.
        Objective 2: Sustain lasting outreach partnerships with community businesses, agencies, schools and health care providers. Months 1-30, Blaine and Boise counties; months 31-60, Cassia, Minidoka, and Twin Falls counties.
        Goal 2: Through the youth coalitions' efforts, enroll 1,500 eligible uninsured youth in rural and frontier Idaho counties in state health insurance coverage.
        Objective 1: Offer hands-on CHIP enrollment assistance at school and community events. Months 1-30, Blaine and Boise counties; months 31-60, Cassia, Minidoka and Twin Falls counties
        Objective 2: Promote the use of Idaho's 2-1-1 Careline phone number and on-line CHIP application for CHIP enrollment assistance. Months 1-30, Blaine and Boise counties; months 31-60, Cassia, Twin Falls and Minidoka counties.
      3. Activities/Methodology undertaken to meet project goals:

        Meetings of four county-based coalitions to plan strategies for reaching and enrolling uninsured youth into state insurance coverage programs. Technical assistance and training of youth coalitions in designing collaborative community outreach and enrollment activities.

      4. The first three Healthy People 2010 objectives which this project addresses are listed below.

        1. Related to Objective 16.23. Increase the proportion of Territories and States that have service systems for Children with Special Health Care Needs to 100 percent.
        2. Related to Objective 16.23: Increase the proportion of States and jurisdictions that have service systems for children with or at risk for chronic and disabling conditions as required by Public Law 101-239.
        3. Related to Objective 23.11 (Developmental) Increase the proportion of State and local public health agencies that meet national performance standards for essential public health services.

      5. Coordination: List the State, local health agencies or other organizations involved project and their roles.

        Serve Idaho, as a subcontractor, will provide mini-grants to the youth coalitions to implement outreach and enroillment strategies; Idaho Maternal and Child Health will provide state health care coverage information and materials to the project; Idaho AAP will offer support and recognition for outreach and enrollment activities. All these agencies will have representation on the Cover Idaho Kids' Coalition who will offer advise and oversight to the project.

      6. Evaluation : briefly describe the methods which will be used to determine whether process and outcome objectives are met.

        The Project Director will use process measures to track the work of the local youth coalitions and provide targeted technical assistance as needed. Project evaluators will measure outcomes around the project's goals and objectives.

    2. Continuing Grants ONLY

      1. Experience to Date :

      2. Website URL and annual number of hits:


        Number of hits:

  5. Key Words

    • Adolescents
    • Community participation
    • Health insurance
    • Medical home
    • Rural population

  6. Annotation:

    "Starting Points for Youth" will increase the rates of insured low-income youth in five rural and frontier Idaho counties. This will be acomplished through the work of local youth coalitions who will build partnerships in their communities for outreach and enrollment opportunities.

Are the Data Reported on this Form Provisional or Final?


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