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Continuing Education - University of Tennessee-Memphis

Grant Number:T21MC00083

Project Director: Frederick Palmer MD
Contact Person:
Applicant Agency: University of Tennessee-Memphis
Address: Boling Center for Developmental Disabilities, 711 Jefferson Avenue, Memphis, TN 38105
Phone Number: 901-448-6512
Fax Number: 901-448-7097
E-mail Address: fpalmer@utmem.edu
Web Site:
Project Period: 06/01/2001 - 05/31/2004
Obesity has emerged as one of the nation's most pressing health problems for children and adolescents. Children with special health care needs (CSHCN) are vulnerable to all the factors which can place other children's health at risk in addition to numerous biological, environmental and psychosocial variables which can further threaten their growth and development. This continuing education project is designed to meet the need for interdisciplinary leadership training in obesity prevention and intervention among CSHCN. The training will expand obesity prevention and intervention services for CSHCN in a manner that is comprehensive, coordinated, community-based, family-centered and culturally competent. By providing short-term, non degree training in the prevention and intervention of childhood obesity to policymakers, allied health professionals and educators, the project will support and strengthen Maternal and Child Health (MCH) programs.

The overall project goal is to provide annual interdisciplinary leadership training to health professionals and related care providers involved in obesity prevention and intervention among children with special health care needs. Specific objectives include: 1. The trainee will increase his/her capabilities in identifying those children at risk for overweight and obesity and in screening, assessment, intervention, follow-up, and prevention of obesity among CSHCN. 2. The trainee will increase his/her leadership skills in obesity prevention and intervention among CSHCN. 3. The trainee will be able to identify and use community resources to develop a system of networking for obesity prevention and intervention among CSHCN. 4. The trainee will strengthen the understanding of his/her role and of the other members' roles on the interdisciplinary team involved in obesity prevention and intervention among CSHCN. 5. Trainees will demonstrate increased knowledge and problem-solving abilities in obesity prevention and intervention via usage of an Internet web site that will enhance a system of networking/support for obesity prevention and intervention among CSHCN in their communities.

Teaching techniques for each workshop include: case studies, clinical activities, group discussions and demonstrations. Videotapes, presentations, exhibits, sharing of educational materials, site visits to community-based programs and professional consultations also will be utilized. Some of the topics planned to address obesity prevention and intervention include: 1. Impact of culture and ethnicity. 2. Psychological and behavioral aspects of obesity. 3. Assessing overweight and obesity in CSHCN: Identifying non-modifiable factors in the prevention and intervention of obesity such as genetics, family history, including race/ethnicity, age and gender. Addressing modifiable or environmental factors such as physical activity, emotional lifestyle, parenting skills, food choices including food texture and calorie density, portion sizes, and meal and snack patterns. Obesity and the consequent effect on health. Interdisciplinary assessment and planning for intervention of obesity among CSHCN. Advocacy and support of families of CSHCN. Promoting a healthy lifestyle (physical activity, healthy eating, healthy body image) at home, in schools and healthcare settings, and in community and health care settings. Playground design for inclusion of CSHCN. Recreational activities for CSHCN. Challenges for managed care systems in providing services to address overweight and obesity problems among CSHCN. A resource notebook is given to each workshop attendee. The notebook includes specific goal and objectives of the workshop, relevant recommended references, audiovisual materials, obesity assessment tools and address lists of organizations providing services and support to professionals, CSHCN and their parents.

This project focuses on a comprehensive approach to obesity prevention and intervention among CSHCN. Therefore, coordination requires involvement from many groups: state and local health departments, including services for CSHCN, nutrition and MCH; allied health professionals; state education offices and local special education professions; state offices and local facilities addressing disabilities, university affiliated programs and pediatric hospitals. In order to address the problem, a comprehensive local, regional, and national approach is needed to reach these professionals.

Throughout the workshop, sessions will be evaluated by the participants on a five-point Likert scale for method and content. Subjective critique also will be requested. Pre-and post-tests will show trainee comprehension. At the workshop's conclusion, an interdisciplinary group presentation of a case study is used as a criterion to evaluate the attendees' knowledge, skills and abilities in working with CSHCN and with the interdisciplinary process. Surveys sent to trainees six months and one year after the workshops will ask for impact of training on their agency and recommendations for improving future workshop programs.

The continuing education project is designed to meet a documented need for short-term interdisciplinary leadership training in obesity prevention and intervention among CSHCN. The comprehensive, coordinated, community-based, family-centered and culturally competent approach to care will be promoted in an annual three-day workshop for health and related professionals. A variety of adult learning experiences will be used to strengthen the knowledge and skills of professionals. Resource identification, networking and interdisciplinary skills will be strengthened.

Behavior modification, CSHCN, Chronic Illness, Continuing Education, Interdisciplinary, Leadership training, MCH, Nutrition, Nutrition Education, Nursing, Obesity, Occupational Therapy, Overweight, Physical Therapy, Physical Activity, Public Health, School Food Service, School Health, Social Work

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