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MCHB Discretionary Grant Programs
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  1. Project Identifier Information

    2. Project Number: H18MC00060
    3. Email address: fsmhesa@mail.fm

  2. Budget

    1. MCHB Grant Award Amount: (Line 1, Form 1)$100,000
    2. Unobligated Balance: (Line 2, Form 1)$15,372
    3. Matching Funds: (if applicable) (Line 3, Form 1)$0
    4. Other Project Funds: (Line 4, Form 1)$8,310
    5. Total Project Funds: (Line 5, Form 1)$123,682

    The MCHB Grant Award Amount may differ from the total budget amount displayed on the Snapshots page due to grant actions that occurred after this report was submitted. These grant actions would include supplemental funding such as carryovers and extensions.

  3. Type(s) of Service Provided

    • Direct Health Care Service
    • Enabling Service
    • Population-Based Service
    • Infrastructure Building Service

  4. Project Description on Experience to Date

    1. Project Description

      1. Problem:

        In the FSM there is no centralized data electronic system from which essential MCH data indicators can be easily extracted and analyzed. This caused difficulty for FSM HESA, the legal applicant for the Title V MCH Block Grant, to readily and effectively apply for the MCH Title V Grant Application.

      2. Goals and Objectives: List up to 5 major goals and time-framed objectives per goal for the project.

        Goal 1: To maintain the four MCH data clerks in each of the FSM states as core staff.
        Objective 1: By May 31, 2006, each of the data clerks and the MCH coordinator from each of the FSM states, except Kosrae, will visit at least one dispensary in the outer islands to complete missing birth certificates and infant death certificates.
        Goal 2: To develop system for identifying & maintaining hospital discharge survey of hospitalizations of children from birth through 24 years and conduct epidemiological assessment of health status outcome.
        Objective 1: By March 31, 2006, policy and procedures for establishing the system for a hospital discharge survey will be developed.
        Objective 2: By February 15, 2006, the MCH coordinators and data clerks, with the assistance of the epidemiologist, will have identified all dispensaries for pediatric patients from birth through 24 years for the Year 2003 to 2005.
        Objective 3: By April 30, 2006, the MCH coordinators and data clerks will have convened to a five-days workshops and been provided training to analyze the hospital discharge survey data.
        Goal 3: To conduct qualitative surveys for the acquisition of verifiable data for the National Performance Measures, Outcome Measures and the State Negotiated Performance Measures.
        Objective 1: By April 30, 2006, the MCH coordinators and data clerks would have conducted at least one qualitative data survey to assess National Performance Measures, Outcome Measures and the State Negotiated Performance Measures.
        Objective 2: By December 2005, the MCH coordinators and data representatives from each of the four FSM states will have been convened for a five-day MCH coordinators workshop to conceptualize a comprehensive data and information system for the FSM State Negotiated Performance Measures.
        Objective 3: By May 30, 2006, the methods, policy and procedures for collecting the data for the indicators related to the FSM State negotiated Performance Measures will be identified.
      3. Activities/Methodology undertaken to meet project goals:

        Three main activities have been carried out this year that would lead to the accomplishments of the above stated objectives. (1) A National workshop convened in kosrae that brought together all MCH/CSHCN Program coordinators, MCH data clerks, MCH Program support staff, Special Education Program Coordinators, development specialists. clinicians, and other concerned program staff such as ECE Program, (2) MCH Needs Assessment Survey, and (3) On-going support and technical assistance provided to the FSM MCH Program staff by the FSM National Coordinator and Epidemiologist.

      4. The first three Healthy People 2010 objectives which this project addresses are listed below.

      5. Coordination: List the State, local health agencies or other organizations involved project and their roles.

        The National MCH Coordinator, also chief for Family Health Services and Chronic Diseases Section provided oversight and day-to-day supervision of SSDI Project. At state level, MCH coordinators coordinate SSDI Project. Vital Statistics Division Supervisor directs day-to-day work of data clerks with MCH coordinators. Completion of reports on births and infants deaths is determined if total births and deaths received by National Coordinator meet required MCH Program submissions.

      6. Evaluation : briefly describe the methods which will be used to determine whether process and outcome objectives are met.

        The main tool to be used to determine accomplishments of the program activities would be the extend to which the MCH Program coordinators were able to obtain and complete the MCH Data Matrix, MCH Progress Reports and their timely submission to the National MCH coordinator. With the assistance of the National Program coordinator and rest of the MCH Program staff, the activities in the timeline for the year will be met.

    2. Continuing Grants ONLY

      1. Experience to Date :

        1. Completed 5-year MCH Needs Assessment, analyze results and distribute to state MCH program counterparts. 2. Completed the CSHCN Survey and have completed partial analysis of the data. 3. Joint MCH/Special Education Conference completed. 4. National Staff completed monitoring of progam activities and use of funds at state level. 5. National Program Staff attended AMCHP. 6. Four Radios (VHF) were purchased and distributed to Chuuk and Yap States.

      2. Website URL and annual number of hits:


        Number of hits: 4

  5. Key Words

    • 1990 objectives for the nation
    • Access to care
    • Access to health care
    • Accidents USE Motor vehicle crashes

  6. Annotation:

    FSM lacks a centralized data electronic system from which essential data indicators can be easily extracted and analyzed. Through SSDI resources, we hope to develop capacity by adopting a multi sectoral and multi disciplined approach to enable us to readily and effectively apply for the MCH Title V Grant Application.

Are the Data Reported on this Form Provisional or Final?


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