Last updated on Thursday,
December 17, 2008
The links in the "What's New" summaries are linked directly to the respective documents in either or all of the following formats: HTML, PDF and TEXT. A more complete listing may be found in the main category of the entry. For example, if the "What's New" summary refers to a specific DAEOgram the link in the summary will go directly to that DAEOgram. If you want to see a complete listing of DAEOgrams refer to the main DAEOgram category. Links are provided at the bottom of the page to all of the main categories of this web site. Please note that the entries on this page are temporary and will be removed at a future time.
December 2008
DAEOgram Issued Regarding Need to Conduct Second Review of Financial Disclosure Reports for Current Employees Filling Newly-Vacant Positions
The U.S. Office of Government Ethics issued DAEOgram DO-08-040 (PDF-HTML-TXT) on December 16, 2008 regarding the need to conduct a second review of financial disclosure reports for current employees filling newly-vacant positions.
OGE Issues DAEOgram Reminder About Holiday Gift and Fundraising
The Director of the U.S. Office of Government Ethics has re-issued guidance on holiday gifts and fundraising. Please see DAEOgram DO-08-039 (PDF-HTML-TXT) dated December 9, 2008 for further information.
OGE Publishes a List of 10 Actions to Raise Employee Awareness of Gift Rules
The U.S. Office of Government Ethics has published a list of ten actions ethics officials can take to raise employee awareness of the gift rules (PDF-HTML). Alongside these actions are related education and training product designed to promote employee awareness of their ethics responsibilities.
November 2008
OGE Issues DAEOgram Announcing Deadline for Submitting Their Component Designations
By November 30 of this year agencies must submit to OGE a letter updating their component designations for purposes of 18 U.S.C. § 207(c). Please see DAEOgram DO-08-038 (PDF-HTML-TXT) dated November 10, 2008 for further information.
OGE Issues DAEOgram Regarding Recent Legislative Activity of Interest
As part of our newly enhanced efforts to keep you apprised of relevant legislative activity, the Office of Government Ethics (OGE) brings to your attention three new public laws that affect the executive branch ethics program. Specifically,these new provisions affect supplementation of salary restrictions, certain contractor ethics safeguards, and post-employment restrictions for certain Senior Level and Scientific and Professional Federal employees of the executive branch. OGE will periodically provide you with similar legislative activity updates. OGE also may be in communication with you directly about agency-specific legislative proposals and provisions that may affect your ethics program as they come to our attention. Please see DAEOgram DO-08-037 (PDF-HTML-TXT) dated November 6, 2008 for further information.
OGE Issues DAEOgram Announcing the Publication of the 2007 Conflict of Interest Prosecution Survey
The Office of Government Ethics issued DAEOgram DAEOgram DO-08-036 (PDF-HTML-TXT) on November 6, 2008 announcing the publication of the 2007 Conflict of Interest Prosecution Survey. The survey contains summaries of cases involving conflict of interest violations. The Department of Justice prosecuted the cases.
October 2008
OGE Issues DAEOgram Announcing Deadline for Reporting Payments Accepted Under 31 U.S.C. § 1353
Agency heads are required to submit to the Director, Office of Government
Ethics (OGE), semiannual reports of payments for travel, subsistence and
related expenses received from non-Federal sources in connection with the
attendance of employees at certain meetings or similar functions (31 U.S.C. § 1353.) These reports are due November 30, 2008. Please see DAEOgram DO-08-035 (PDF-HTML-TXT) dated October 29, 2008 for further information..
OGE Seeks Program Support Assistant (OA), GS-0303-06
The Office of Government Ethics (OGE) is seeking a highly-motivated and enthusiastic person to join the team of dedicated professionals within the Office of General Counsel and Legal Policy. The ideal candidate will have superb organizational skills that will support a broad range of administrative management functions and a strong desire to make a positive and practical impact in the Federal Government. For more information, please see Job Announcement Number 09-OGE-001 and 09-OGE-002P under the Vacancy Announcements and Other Information section of this web site.
OGE Issues DAEOgram Announcing FY2009 Quarter 1 Training Schedule and Course Catalog
On October 17, 2008, DAEOgram DT-08-034 (PDF-HTML-TXT) announced that OGE's FY2009 Quarter 1 training schedule and
course catalog is now available. OGE is offering a number of courses
for both new and experienced ethics officials. Please refer to the
Training Workshops and Seminars for a complete listing of course
titles, course descriptions, dates, times and registration information.
OGE Issues DAEOgram Announcing San Francisco Regional Training
On October 14, 2008, DAEOgram DT-08-033 (PDF-HTML-TXT) announced that OGE will conduct training in San Francisco on November 18th and 20th. Please refer to the Training Workshops and Seminars Section for more information.
OGE Issues DAEOgram Regarding the 2008 Survey of Ethics Officials
The U.S. Office of Government Ethics (OGE) recently launched the 2008 Survey of Ethics Officials to provide OGE with information to enhance the executive branch ethics program.
The distribution for this survey is very narrow; therefore, it is important that each recipient responds.
If you are a Designated Agency Ethics Official (DAEO) or Alternate DAEO and did not receive the survey or would like the survey re-sent to you, please contact Karen Rigby by phone at 202-482-9212 or by e-mail at Ms. Rigby is available to answer any questions regarding the survey.
Please refer to DAEOgram DO-08-032 (PDF-HTML-TXT) for more information.
OGE Issues DAEOgram Announcing the Launch of the 2008 Survey of Ethics Officials
On October 9, 2008, the U.S. Office of Government Ethics (OGE) launched the 2008 Survey of Ethics Officials to provide OGE with information to enhance the executive branch ethics program.
The distribution for this survey is very narrow; therefore, it is important that each recipient responds. If you are a Designated Agency Ethics Official (DAEO) or Alternate DAEO and did not receive the survey invitation e-mail, please contact Karen Rigby by phone at 202-482-9212 or by e-mail at Ms. Rigby is also available to answer any questions regarding the survey.
On October 10, 2008, OGE issued DAEOgram DO-08-31 (PDF-HTML-TXT) related to the launch of the survey.
OGE Issues DAEOgram Announcing the Annual Survey of Ethics Officials
On October 8, 2008, the U.S. Office of Government Ethics (OGE) issued DAEOgram DO-08-030 (PDF-HTML-TXT) announcing the upcoming launch of the annual Survey of Ethics Officials. The purpose of the survey is to provide OGE with information to enhance the executive branch ethics program. Survey invitations will be e-mailed to Designated Agency Ethics Officials (DAEOs), Alternate DAEOs, and other high-level agency ethics contacts no later than October 14, 2008. For more information, please refer to the DAEOgram section of this Web site.
OGE Issues Daeogram Announcing Advanced Training On PAS Nominee Financial Disclosure Reports
On October 1, 2008, DAEOgram DT-08-029 (PDF-HTML-TXT)
announced that OGE will conduct advanced training on reviewing the financial
disclosure reports of Presidential nominees for Senate-confirmed positions (PAS
nominees). This training is for experienced ethics officials who will
review PAS nominee reports during the Presidential transition. OGE is
offering this full-day training on four dates in November and
December. Please refer to the Training Workshops and Seminars Section for
more information.
September 2008
OGE Seeks a Government Ethics Specialist, GS-0301-14 (CLOSED)
OGE has posted a vacancy announcement for a Government Ethics
Specialist, GS-301-14. The successful candidate will serve as a
senior desk officer in the Program Services Division, Office of
Agency Programs, U.S. Office of Government Ethics. The
announcement closes Tuesday, October 14.Questions about the
position should be directed to Trish Zemple, Associate Director,
Program Services Division
Director Robert I. Cusick Addresses Ethics Officials at the 16th National Ethics Conference
On September 16, 2008 OGE's Director, Robert I. Cusick, delivered his opening remarks at the 16th National Ethics Conference held in Orlando, Florida. The conference attracted more than 600 participants, the majority of which were ethics officials representing the many facets of the executive branch. His speech, which discussed the upcoming Presidential Transition, was well received. A complete transcript is available under the Director's Corner section of this web site.
OGE Issues DAEOgram Announcing 2008 Ethics Program Awards
The U.S. Office of Government Ethics (OGE) is pleased to announce the 2008 Ethics Program Award recipients. The Ethics Program Award is presented in recognition of outstanding achievement in managing the ethics program. Please see DAEOgram DO-08-028 (PDF - HTML - TXT) for more information.
OGE Issues DAEOgram Announcing OGE 2008 Education and Communication Award Recipients
The Office of Government Ethics issued DAEOgram D0-08-027 (PDF-HTML-TXT) on September 5, 2008 announcing the OGE 2008 Education and Communication Award recipients. For more information, please refer to the DAEOgram on OGE's website at
August 2008
OGE Issues DAEOgram on Termination Reports
The number of Presidentially-appointed, Senate-confirmed officials (PAS) departing federal service is expected to increase significantly over the coming months. To facilitate the timely review and certification of the public financial disclosure termination reports (SF 278s) that these PAS officials must file, OGE issued DAEOgram DO-08-026 (PDF-HTML-TXT), on August 27, 2008, which provides several review tips.
OGE Issues DAEOgram in Response to GAO Report
On August 26, 2008, OGE issued DAEOgram DO-08-025 (PDF-HTML-TXT), encouraging ethics officials to document ethics advice and to provide information about ethics advice to Inspectors General when needed. The DAEOgram responds to a recent Government Accountability Office study, which reported that the lack of documentation of ethics advice presents a challenge to enforcement.
OGE Web Site Issues
The Office of Government Ethics launched the new agency web site on August 13, 2008. OGE has received some inquiries regarding issues with accessing information on the site. OGE is working with the OGE web host provider to get these issues resolved as quickly as possible. We apologize for any inconvenience to our customers. Thank you for your thoughtful and helpful input as we work towards a resolution.
Please note that the new web site is best viewed using Internet Explorer 7. If you would like to comment on the site please send an email to the OGE Webmaster at
OGE Issues DAEOgram Regarding Discretionary Trusts
On August 6, 2008, OGE issued DAEOgram DO-08-024 (PDF-HTML-TXT), which explains OGE's approach to certain interests in discretionary trusts, for purposes of both 18 U.S.C. § 208 and financial disclosure.
July 2008
OGE Issues DAEOgram on Announcing Public Financial Disclosure Crossword Puzzle
The U.S. Office of Government Ethics (OGE) has released a series of five ethics crossword puzzles to enhance your ethics training for executive branch employees. The next puzzle in the series on Public Financial Disclosure is now available. To access the puzzle, please refer to the Computer and Web Based Training section of OGE's Website. For more information please see DAEOgram DO-08-023 (PDF-HTML-TXT) dated July 31, 2008.
OGE Issues DAEOgram on Financial Disclosure Requirements for Pooled Investment Funds
The Office of Government Ethics (OGE) issued DAEOgram DO-08-022 (PDF-HTML-TXT) dated July 22, 2008 explaining what actions a nominee for a full-time Senate-confirmed position (PAS nominee) must take with regard to pooled investment funds in order for the Director of OGE to certify the individual's financial disclosure report.
OGE Issues the Draft Agenda for the 16th National Government Ethics Conference
16th National Government Ethics Conference
September 17-19, 2008
Draft Agenda
The sessions for the 16th National Government Ethics Conference have been set. The theme for this conference is "Transition," and many of the sessions will provide guidance and tools to assist ethics officials in preparing for and working through the upcoming Presidential transition. For those ethics officials who will be less-affected by transition, there are also numerous other sessions that will provide guidance and tools on more general ethics issues. The presentations follow six tracks: Entering the Government; While Serving the Government; Leaving the Government; Timeless Topics; How to Reach Them, Whether They are Coming, Going, or Staying; and Workshops.
Registration for the conference is still open. Please contact your registration point of contact to register.
Questions about the registration process should be directed to Kaneisha Cunningham at or at 202-482-9228. Questions about the conference sessions should be directed to Trish Zemple at or at 202-482-9286.
June 2008
OGE Seeking Two Attorneys to Join Office of General Counsel and Legal Policy (CLOSED)
The U.S. Office of Government Ethics is seeking two attorneys to join its Office of General Counsel and Legal Policy. The Office of General Counsel and Legal Policy provides oral and written advice to Designated Agency Ethics Officials (DAEOs) and ethics counselors throughout the Executive Branch on a wide variety of topics of interest to the ethics community; prepares DAEOgrams and advisory opinions; makes presentations to Federal agencies and other organizations; works with the White House and Executive Branch agencies in reviewing candidates for positions requiring Senate confirmation; drafts legislation and regulations, formulates ethics and conflict of interest policy for the Executive Branch; and assists the OGE Director in the administration of the agency. For more information, please see Job Announcement Number GC-001 under the Vacancy Announcements and Other Information section of this website.
OGE Issues DAEOgram on New Policy Regarding Termination Public Financial Disclosure Reports of PAS Officials
The Office of Government Ethics (OGE) issued DAEOgram DO-08-021 dated June 30, 2008 (PDF-HTML-TXT) announcing a new policy regarding termination Public Financial Disclosure reports of PAS officials. As of July 7, 2008, agencies are required to notify OGE of a PAS official's termination date via email.
OGE Issues DAEOgram Regarding the Publication of the Final Post-Employment Rule
The Office of Government Ethics (OGE) issued DAEOgram DO-08-020 dated June 25, 2008 (PDF-HTML-TXT) announcing the publication of the final post-employment rule, which will be effective July 25, 2008. This rule provides comprehensive interpretive guidance concerning the current version of section 207 and will be codified at revised part 2641 of 5 C.F.R. The rule also removes 5 C.F.R. part 2637, which interpreted a prior version of section 207; ethics officials are advised to retain the 2008 edition of 5 C.F.R. part 2637, in order to provide advice to former employees who terminated service while the prior version of section 207 was effective (July 1, 1979 through December 31, 1990). See 73 Federal Register 36168 (June 25, 2008) (PDF - HTML).
OGE Seeks Management Analyst, GS-0343-13 (CLOSED)
The Office of Government Ethics (OGE) is seeking a highly-motivated and enthusiastic person to join a team of dedicated professionals in the Information Resources Management Division. The incumbent will serve as the technical authority and advisor to the Deputy Chief Information Officer and other OGE staff regarding the records management program and the clearance of all administrative and programmatic forms. For more information, please see Job Announcement Number 08-OGE-016 under the Vacancy Announcements and Other Information section of this website.
May 2008
OGE Seeks an Information Technology Specialist (Security), GS-2210-13/14 (CLOSED)
The Office of Government Ethics (OGE) is seeking a highly-motivated and enthusiastic person to join a team of dedicated professionals in the Information Resources Management Division. The ideal candidate will plan, evaluate and coordinate the OGE IT Security Program, ensuring that the agency is in full compliance with all Federal policies, procedures and standards. For more information, please see Job Announcement Number 08-OGE-015 under the Vacancy Announcements and Other Information section of this website.
April 2008
OGE Issues DAEOgram Regarding a Review of Financial Disclosure Processes and Procedures
The Office of Government Ethics (OGE) has issued DAEOgram DO-08-019 (PDF-HTML-TXT) dated April 30, 2008 announcing a review to evaluate agencies’ processes and procedures for collecting, reviewing, and certifying financial disclosure reports, including those filed by nominees for Presidentially-appointed, Senate-confirmed (PAS) positions. The review will consist of two parts. The first part will be a questionnaire to be completed electronically. The second part will be an on-site follow-up. Agencies selected to be included in the review will be contacted in the near future. For nomination information, please refer to the DAEOgram section of this website.
OGE Seeks Program Analyst, GS-0343-12/13 (CLOSED)
The Office of Government Ethics (OGE) is seeking highly-motivated and enthusiastic people to join a team of dedicated professionals in the Program Review Division. The ideal candidate will have superb organizational and analytical skills and a strong desire to make a positive and practical impact in the Federal Government. For more information, please see Job Announcement Number 08-OGE-012 under the Vacancy Announcements and Other Information section of this website.
OGE Seeks Program Analyst, GS-0343-9/11 (CLOSED)
The Office of Government Ethics (OGE) is seeking highly-motivated and enthusiastic people to join a team of dedicated professionals in the Program Review Division. The ideal candidate will have superb organizational and analytical skills and a strong desire to make a positive and practical impact in the Federal Government. For more information, please see Job Announcement Number 08-OGE-011 under the Vacancy Announcements and Other Information section of this website.
Due Dates for Public Financial Disclosure Reports of Executive Branch Officials Required to File with the Office of Government Ethics (OGE)
OGE has established the 2008 filing deadlines for certain SF 278s that are sent to OGE for final review and certification. Please see DAEOgram DO-08-018 (PDF-HTML-TXT) dated April 23, 2008 for further information.
Reporting Payments Accepted Under 31 U.S.C. § 1353
Agency heads are required to submit to the Director, Office of Government Ethics (OGE), semiannual reports of payments for travel, subsistence and related expenses received from non-Federal sources in connection with the attendance of employees at certain meetings or similar functions (31 U.S.C. § 1353). These reports are due May 31, 2008. Please see DAEOgram DO-08-017 (PDF-HTML-TXT) dated April 23, 2008 for further information.
OGE Seeks Lead Management Analyst, GS-0343-14 (CLOSED)
The Office of Government Ethics (OGE) is seeking a highly-motivated and enthusiastic person to join a team of dedicated professionals in the Program Review Division. The ideal candidate will have superb organizational and analytical skills and a strong desire to make a positive and practical impact in the Federal Government. In addition, the ideal candidate should also thrive in an exciting, fast-paced environment full of opportunities and challenges. For more information, please see Job Announcement Number 08-OGE-013 under the Vacancy Announcements and Other Information section of this website.
OGE Issues DAEOgram Regarding the 2008 Education and Communication Awards Announcement
The Office of Government Ethics issued DAEOgram DT-08-015 (PDF-HTML-TXT) on April 14, 2008 inviting submissions of nominations for the OGE 2008 Education and Communication Awards. The awards will be presented at the 16th National Government Ethics Conference on September 16 - 19, 2008 at the Rosen Centre Hotel in Orlando, Florida. The deadline for receipt of the nominations is May 30, 2008. For nomination information, please refer to the DAEOgram section of this website.
OGE Seeks Program Support Clerk (OA) - Student Summer Hire, GS-0303-04 (CLOSED)
The Office of Government Ethics (OGE) is seeking two highly-motivated and enthusiastic students to assist a team of dedicated professionals. The ideal candidates will thrive in an exciting, fast-paced environment full of opportunities and challenges. This vacancy is designated for individuals selected under the Student Temporary Employment Program (STEP) - Summer Employment. For more information, please see Job Announcement Number 08-OGE-010 under the Vacancy Announcements and Other Information section of this website.
OGE Issues DAEOgram Announcing the Publication of a Booklet on the Ethics Rules that Apply to Advisory Committee Members Serving as Special Government Employees
The Office of Government Ethics is pleased to announce the publication of a booklet entitled, "To Serve with Honor: A Guide on the Ethics Rules That Apply to Advisory Committee Members Serving as Special Government Employees." While highlighting some of the ethics rules that are most likely to affect these committee members, the booklet also provides them with a game plan of eight general principles that will help promote peak ethical performance.
Please refer to DAEOgram DO-08-014 (PDF-HTML-TXT) issued on April 3, 2008 for more information.
OGE Issues DAEOgram Announcing the Availability of the Informal Advisory Letters and Memoranda and Formal Opinions of the United States Office of Government Ethics
The Office of Government Ethics (OGE) issued DAEOgram DO-08-013 (PDF-HTML-TXT) on April 2, 2008 announcing the placement of the Informal Advisory Letters and Memoranda and Formal Opinions of the United States Office of Government Ethics for the year 2007 on the OGE web site. This guidance is available for viewing or downloading and can be found under the Advisory Opinion section.
March 2008
OGE Issues DAEOgram Regarding the Application of the Multiple Presentations Exception in 5 C.F.R. § 2635.807(a)(3)(ii)
On March 26, 2008, the Office of Government Ethics issued DAEOgram DO-08-012 (PDF-HTML-TXT) to provide guidance on whether the exception at 5 C.F.R. § 2635.807(a)(3)(ii) applies, for teaching a course requiring multiple presentations that is part of a program of education or training, when that course is sponsored and funded by a Non-Appropriated Fund Instrumentality (NAFI). The DAEOgram concludes that an employee may accept compensation for teaching such a course because the phrase "sponsored and funded by the Federal Government" in the exception includes courses of instruction offered and funded by NAFIs.
OGE Issues DAEOgram Regarding 18 U.S.C. § 207(j)(7)
On March 26, 2008, the Office of Government Ethics (OGE) issued DAEOgram DO-08-011 (PDF-HTML-TXT), describing and specifying the scope of the exception for representation of candidates and specified political entities by former senior and very senior employees under 18 U.S.C. § 207(j)(7).
OGE Amendatory Rulemaking: Increased Gifts & Travel Reimbursements Reporting Thresholds as well as the Nonsponsor Widely Attended Gatherings Gift Exception Ceiling
The Office of Government Ethics has issued a two-fold final rule that amends the executive branch financial disclosure and standards of ethical conduct regulations. See 73 FR 15387-15388 (March 24, 2008) (PDF-HTML-TXT). First, OGE has revised the executive branch financial disclosure regulation to reflect the statutory retroactive increase, applicable as of January 1, 2008, of the thresholds for reporting of gifts and travel reimbursements for both the public and confidential financial disclosure reports (SF 278s and OGE Form 450s). The Ethics in Government Act and OGE regulations tie these increases to the General Services Administration’s recent increase in minimal value for purposes of the Foreign Gifts and Decorations Act (see the [What’s New] notice in February of this year). The new aggregation threshold for the reporting of gifts and reimbursements received from any one source on financial disclosure reports is “more than $335”; items worth “$134 or less” do not need to be counted towards that overall threshold.
The second part of OGE’s new rule has raised to $335 the maximum amount under the exception in the standards of conduct for nonsponsor gifts of free attendance at widely attended gatherings. This separate regulatory change became effective upon publication of the rulemaking document (March 24, 2008).
See newly issued OGE DAEOgram DO-08-010 (PDF-HTML-TXT) for more details on these changes.
OGE Issues DAEOgram Announcing Grand Slam Crossword Puzzle
The Office of Government Ethics issued DAEOgram DT-08-009 (PDF-HTML-TXT) on March 18, 2008 announcing the release of the Grand Slam Crossword Puzzle. In 2007, the U.S. Office of Government Ethics (OGE) released a series of five ethics crossword puzzles to enhance your ethics training for executive branch employees. OGE has developed a Grand Slam crossword puzzle which is a compilation of the employee crossword puzzles OGE issued in 2007. To access the Grand Slam puzzle, please refer to the Computer and Web Based Training section of OGE's Website.
OGE Issues DAEOgram Announcing Training on Certifying Public Financial Disclosure Reports
The Office of Government Ethics issued DAEOgram DT-08-008 (PDF-HTML-TXT) on March 17, 2008 announcing training on Certifying Public Financial Disclosure Reports that will be conducted in April and May. For detailed information about the training and registration procedures, please refer to the Training Workshops and Seminars section of OGE's website.
OGE Director Names New General Counsel and Deputy General Counsel for Office of Government Ethics
As many of you know, Marilyn L. Glynn, OGE’s General Counsel, will be retiring April 3, 2008. I am pleased to announce that Don W. Fox will assume the position of General Counsel upon her retirement.
Don is currently a Deputy General Counsel at the Department of the Air Force. He has served in that position for ten years. He has also served at the Department of the Navy as a civilian and as a member of the Judge Advocate General's Corps.
Don graduated from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, and received his JD from Wake Forest University. He also earned an LLM in International and Comparative Law at The George Washington University.
Don will bring an exceptionally high degree of leadership and experience in the ethics community to his new position. I am confident that his evident talents will be used to enhance OGE’s commitment to integrity in Government.
I am also happy to announce that Walter M. Shaub will assume the position of Deputy General Counsel. Walter currently is OGE’s Program Manager for Nominee Financial Disclosure. In this position, he has an impressive record of accomplishment, particularly in improving and standardizing many of the elements of the nominee disclosure system.
Walter has previously worked at the Department of Veterans Affairs, the Department of Health and Human Services and the law firm of Shaw, Bransford, Veilleux & Roth. He graduated from James Madison University, and received his JD from the American University, Washington College of Law.
I welcome both Don and Walter to the leadership at OGE, and look forward to working with them to ensure the highest ethical standards of public service.
OGE Directs Ethics Officials to New GAO Report on Contractor Conflicts of Interest
OGE issued DAEOgram DO-08-007 (PDF-HTML-TXT) on March 12, 2008, to highlight a new report by the Government Accountability Office on the need for safeguards against conflicts of interest on the part of some employees of Government contractors.
OGE Issues DAEOgram Regarding Book Deals
On March 6, 2008, the Office of Government Ethics (OGE) issued DAEOgram DO-08-006 (PDF-HTML- TXT), concerning whether an employee may enter into an agreement with a publishing company to write a book for compensation. OGE decided that it would be useful to issue two separate summaries on book deals, with each one addressing different classes of employees. The first summary (Part I) addresses regular Government employees and special Government employees. The second summary (Part II) addresses covered non-career employees and Presidential appointees to full-time non-career positions.
OGE Publishes Final Rule Amendments Revising Departmental Component Designations for Purposes of 18 U.S.C. § 207(c), as Set Forth in Appendix B to part 2641 of 5 CFR
The Office of Government Ethics today is publishing in the Federal Register final rule amendments to (1) revoke the designation of a departmental component and to designate two additional departmental components for purposes of the one-year post-employment conflict of interest restriction at 18 U.S.C. § 207(c), to (2) change the name of an existing departmental component, and to (3) correct a clerical error in the name of another existing departmental component. See 73 FR 12007 (March 6, 2008) [PDF - HTML - TXT].
February 2008
PAS Nominee Ethics Agreement Guide
OGE has issued a guide on drafting ethics agreements for Presidential nominees for positions requiring Senate confirmation (PAS nominees). The guide contains sample paragraphs for a wide variety of circumstances, as well as commentary regarding these samples. The guide is available in both PDF and MS Word formats. The PDF version contains a table of contents with hyperlinks to the individual samples. The MS Word version does not contain hyperlinks but is useful for cutting and pasting the sample language directly into draft ethics agreements. The guide is available under the Forms, Publications and Other Ethics Documents section of this website.
Ethics Act Statutory Increase in Gifts/Reimbursements Reporting Threshold, Retroactive to Jan. 1, 2008, Based on GSA’s Raising of Foreign Gifts “Minimal Value”; Separate Future OGE Rulemaking
The General Services Administration (GSA) has raised “minimal value” as defined under the Foreign Gifts and Decorations Act from “$305 or less” to “$335 or less” for the three-year period 2008 to 2010. See 73 Federal Register 7475 (Feb. 8, 2008) [PDF - HTML]. Under that law, GSA’s new regulatory redefinition of minimal value is retroactively effective to January 1, 2008. This change impacts both the public SF 278 and confidential OGE Form 450 financial disclosure reports for the coming three years. Section 102(a)(2)(A) and (B) of the Ethics Act directly ties the SF 278 reporting thresholds for gifts and reimbursements received to such periodic increases as a matter of law. The new reporting thresholds, effective January 1, 2008, are “more than $335” for the aggregate threshold for gifts and reimbursements from any one source, with a de minimis exception of “$134 or less” for such items that do not need to be counted towards the aggregate threshold. By regulation, the Office of Government Ethics applies the same thresholds to OGE Form 450 reports. The increased thresholds do not apply to the calendar year 2007 annual incumbent financial disclosure reports due this year. However, they will apply to any gifts/reimbursements received in 2008 as reported on SF 278 termination reports filed from now on.
OGE is working on a rulemaking to retroactively conform its financial disclosure regulation at 5 C.F.R. §§ 2634.304 and 2634.907(g) to the new Ethics Act gifts/reimbursements thresholds. As in the past, the OGE rule will also adjust, solely as a matter of regulation, the nonsponsor ceiling for the widely attended gatherings gifts exception in 5 C.F.R. § 2635.204(g) of the ethical conduct standards regulation. That regulatory standards change will take effect when OGE’s rule is published in the Federal Register, not retroactively.
OGE Issues DAEOgram Announcing the Publication of a Booklet Summarizing the Most Common Ethics Issues That Arise When Working With Government Contractors
The Office of Government Ethics (OGE) issued DAEOgram DO-08-005 (PDF-HTML-TXT) on February 7, 2008. announcing the publication of a booklet entitled, “Working With Government Contractors: What You Need to Know as a Federal Employee Who Works With Government Contractors.” The booklet is not specifically designed for procurement officials or other employees with procurement responsibilities. Instead, it provides a general introduction to some of the most common ethics issues that arise for Government employees who work with Government contractors.
OGE Issues DAEOgram Announcing the Publication of a Booklet Describing the Qualified Blind Trust Program
The Office of Government Ethics (OGE) issued DAEOgram DO-08-004 (PDF-HTML-TXT) on February 7, 2008, announcing the publication of a booklet entitled, "The Qualified Trust Program." The booklet provides information on addressing conflicts of interest by establishing a qualified trust.
January 2008
OGE Issues DAEOgram Regarding the Disposition of Ethics Program Records Subject to the National Archives and Records Administration's General Records Schedule 25
The Office of Government Ethics (OGE) issued DAEOgram DO-08-003 (PDF-HTML-TXT) on January 30, 2008, announcing that the provisions of a new rule issued by the National Archives and Records Administration which allow the destruction of original paper documents will not apply to public and confidential financial disclosure reports and related ethics agreements.
OGE Issues DAEOgram on Seeking Additional Information from Nominee Filers
The Office of Government Ethics (OGE) issued DAEOgram DO-08-002 (PDF-HTML-TXT) on January 25, 2008, reminding financial disclosure report reviewers to seek additional information from Presidentially appointed and Senate confirmed (PAS) filers in any case where there may be a question about the adequacy of the report.
OGE Issues DAEOgram Regarding Program Plan of Agency Reviews for the First Six Months of Calendar Year 2008
The Office of Government Ethics (OGE) issued DAEOgram DO-08-001 (PDF-HTML-TXT) on January 14, 2008, regarding the availability of the program plan of agency reviews for the first six months of calendar year 2008.
OGE Seeks Program Analyst, GS-0343-13 (CLOSED)
The Office of Government Ethics (OGE) seeks two Program Analyst, GS-0343-13 to work within the Program Review Division, Office of Agency Programs. The successful candidates will serve as Team Leaders in conducting on-site ethics program reviews at departments and agencies to further OGE’s goals of strengthening the ethical culture within the executive branch, preventing conflicts of interest, and promoting good governance.
For more information, please refer to Job Announcement Number 08-OGE-008 under the Vacancy Announcement and Other Information section of the OGE website.
December 2007
Effect Of 2008 Pay Adjustments On Ethics Provisions
Pay adjustments have occurred as of January 6, 2008, the beginning of the first pay period of 2008. These adjustments affect statutory thresholds that rely on the General Schedule or the Executive Schedule for the application of certain ethics provisions, e.g., outside earned income and employment restrictions in Title V of the Ethics in Government Act. The new thresholds are as follows:
120% of the minimum rate of basic pay for grade 15 of the General Schedule is $114,468.
15% of the annual rate of basic pay for level II of the Executive Schedule is $25,830.
86.5% of the annual rate of basic pay for level II of the Executive Schedule is $148,953.
OGE Seeks Deputy General Counsel, ES-0905-00 (CLOSED)
The Office of Government Ethics (OGE) is seeking a highly-motivated and enthusiastic person to assist in leading a team of dedicated professionals in the Office of General Counsel and Legal Policy at the Office of Government Ethics (OGE). The ideal candidate will have superb organizational and analytical skills and a strong desire to make a positive and practical impact in the Federal Government. The ideal candidate should also thrive in an exciting, fast-paced environment full of opportunities and challenges.
For more information, please refer to Job Announcement Number 08-OGE-007 under the Vacancy Announcement and Other Information section of the OGE website.
OGE Seeks General Counsel, ES-0905-00 (CLOSED)
The Office of Government Ethics (OGE) is seeking a highly-motivated and enthusiastic person to lead a team of dedicated professionals in the Office of General Counsel and Legal Policy at the Office of Government Ethics (OGE). The ideal candidate will head the Office of General Counsel and Legal Policy and will serve as legal advisor to the Director of the Agency. As the legal advisor to the Director, the General Counsel will advise and make recommendations on policy matters within the Agency and executive branch and will have operational responsibility for all legal matters involving the Agency.
For more information, please refer to Job Announcement Number 08-OGE-006 under the Vacancy Announcement and Other Information section of the OGE website.
OGE Issues 2008 Schedule of Important Ethics Dates
OGE has issued the 2008 Schedule of Important Ethics Dates. You may access the schedule at:
OGE Issues DAEOgram Regarding Widely Attended Gatherings
On December 5, 2007, the Office of Government Ethics (OGE) issued DAEOgram DO-07-047 (PDF-HTML-TXT), concerning the widely attended gathering (WAG) exception to the gift prohibitions. The DAEOgram focuses on what constitutes a WAG, and it discusses how the WAG rule applies to several recurring types of events that OGE has encountered. The DAEOgram also reminds ethics officials about the financial disclosure requirements applicable to employees who have received gifts under the WAG exception.