Comment Letters
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Reporting Comprehensive Long-Term Fiscal Projections for the U.S. Government

Comments are requested by January 5, 2009


Number Respondent(s) Affiliation Letter
1 Barry Anderson OECD PDF 247KB
2 James K. Galbraith
L Randall Wray
Warren Mosler

University of Texas at Austin
University of Missouri - Kansas City
University of Cambridge
3 Adrienne Cheasty IMF PDF 2.9MB
4 Steven Schaeffer SSA OIG PDF 466KB
5 Robert L. Childree AGA FMSB PDF 470KB
6 Melanie Cenci U.S. Department of Agriculture, Farm Service PDF 389KB
7 Mary Glenn-Croft SSA OCFO PDF 421KB
8 Rebecca Hendrick ASPA Association for Budget and Financial Management PDF 356KB
9 James M. Dubinsky Association for Business Communication PDF 392KB
10 David M. Walker Peter G. Peterson Foundation PDF 707KB
11 Shaun McNamara Department of Transportation - OCFO PDF 265KB
12 Stephen C. Goss
Karen P. Glenn
SSA - Office of the Chief Actuary PDF 567KB
13 Dan Kovlak Greater Washington Society of CPAs PDF 511KB
14 Dick Bode Individual PDF 286KB

