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Pharmacy Benefits Management Services

VA Pharmacy Services - Mentor Certification Program

VA Pharmacists and Pharmacy Technicians can now be recognized for their commitment to mentoring. The PBM has established two levels of certification for mentors, the Resident Level and Fellow Level. Satisfactory completion of the Fellow level will qualify the individual for a Special Advancement for Achievement if they agree to be placed on the Pharmacy Mentor Listing and actively participate in the program.

Resident Level: To be certified at this level, the candidate would require completion of the Effective Mentoring (3 hour VALO course) and a documented 25 hours of mentoring/coaching experience.

Fellow Level: To be certified at this level, the candidate would require completion of both Effective Mentoring and Coaching Skills (5.5 hour VALO Course) and 50 hours of mentoring/coaching experience.

To be considered for certification at each level, the candidate should provide:

  1. A completed Mentor Certification Application
  2. Documentation of VALO course completion (certificate from VALO, e-mail from VALO, or copy of TEMPO record)
  3. A completed Mentoring/Coaching Log (click to view) with the required number of hours clearly documented and totaled
The application with required documentation for mentor certification should be submitted to the PBM Mentor Certification Subcommittee, Dept. of Veterans Affairs (Rm. 968), 810 Vermont Ave, NW, Washington, DC 20420, for review. The Subcommittee meets quarterly to review applications for certification. Applications for mentor certification should be submitted prior to the 15th of the last month of the quarter (December 15, March 15, June 15, and September 15).

Additional references and suggested readings:

"Coaching Successfully" by John Eaton & Roy Johnson, Copyright 2001, Dorling Kindersley Limited.

"Coaching 2 Win", A guide to Help Managers Deliver Results by Chick Waddell, Copyright 2000, Warren B. Waddell

"Leader As Coach" Strategies for Coaching and Developing Others by David B. Peterson & Mary Dee Hicks, Copyright 1996, Personnel Decisions International Corporation.

"Coaching for Performance", Growing People, Performance and Purpose by John Whitmore, Third Edition, Copyright 2003, Nicholas Brealey Publishing.

The above references are on the E.E.S. educational book listing and should be available in your local medical center library or can be purchased by the librarian upon request. If you have any questions regarding the Mentor Certification Program, please contact Stephan Steinwandt, Pharm.D, 410-691-7815, or email

If you have a question pertaining to this website and only information contained in this website, please contact the PBM Webmaster. Please note: For questions pertaining to Health Care Benefits, please visit For questions pertaining to prescription renewal, please visit Questions pertaining to your drug therapy or other medical questions should be referred directly to your Health Care Providers located at the VA facilities where you receive care.