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38 CFR Book H Loan Guaranty

Supplements for Book H

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Guaranty of Loans to Veterans to Purchase Manufactured homes and lots, including site preparation

36.4201 Applicability of the series
36.4202 Definitions

General Provisions

36.4203 Eligibility of the veteran for the manufactured home loan benefit under 38 U.S.C. 3712
36.4204 Loan purposes, maximum loan amounts and terms
36.4205 Computation of guaranty
36.4206 Underwriting standards, occupancy, and non-discrimination requirements
36.4207 Manufactured home standards
36.4208 Manufactured home location standards.
36.4209 Reporting requirements
36.4210 Joint loans
36.4211 Amortization-prepayment
36.4212 Interest rates and late charges
36.4213 Capacity of parties
36.4214 Geographical Limits
36.4215 Maintenance of records
36.4216 Removed
36.4217 Delivery of notice
36.4220 Substantive and procedural requirements; waiver
36.4221 Delegation of authority
36.4222 Hazard insurance
36.4223 Interest rate reduction refinancing loan
36.4224 Refinancing existing manufactured home loan including purchase of lot
36.4225 Authority to close manufactured home loans on the automatic basis
36.4226 Withdrawal of authority to close manufactured home loans on the automatic basis
36.4227 Advertising and Solicitation Requirements

Financing Manufactured Home Units

36.4231 Warranty requirements
36.4232 Allowable fees and charges; manufactured home unit
36.4233 Removed
36.4234 Title and lien requirements
36.4235 Removed

Combination and Manufactured Home Lot Loans

36.4251 Loans to finance the purchase of manufactured homes and the cost of necessary site preparation
36.4252 Loans for purchase or refinancing of a manufactured home
36.4253 Title and lien requirements
36.4254 Fees and charges
36.4255 Loans for the acquisition of a lot

Servicing, Liquidation of Security, and Claims

36.4275 Events constituting default and acceptability of partial payments
36.4276 Advances and other charges
36.4277 Release of security
36.4278 Servicing procedures for holders
36.4279 Extensions and reamortizations
36.4280 Reporting of defaults
36.4281 Refunding of loans in default
36.4282 Legal proceedings (notice of repossession)
36.4283 Foreclosure or repossession
36.4284 Computation of guaranty claims
36.4285 Subrogation and indemnity
36.4286 Partial or total loss of guaranty
36.4287 Substitution of trustees

Guaranty or Insurance of Loans to Veterans

36.4300 Applicability of §§36.4300 to 36.4393, inclusive36.4300-1
36.4301 Definitions

General Provisions

36.4302 Computation of guaranties or insurance credits
36.4303 Reporting requirements
36.4304 Deviations; changes of identity
36.4305 Partial disbursement
36.4306 Refinancing of mortgage or other lien indebtedness
36.4306a Interest rate reduction refinancing loan
36.4307 Joint loans
36.4308 Transfer of title by borrower or maturity by demand or acceleration
36.4309 Amortization
36.4310 Prepayment
36.4311 Interest rates
36.4312 Charges and fees
36.4313 Advances and other charges
36.4314 Extensions and reamortizations
36.4315 Notice of default and acceptability of partial payments
36.4316 Continued default
36.4317 Notice of intention to foreclose
36.4318 Refunding of loans in default
36.4319 Legal proceedings
36.4320 Sale of security
36.4321 Computation of guaranty claims; subsequent accountings
36.4322 Computation of indebtedness
36.4323 Subrogation and indemnity
36.4324 Release of security
36.4325 Partial or total loss of guaranty or insurance
36.4326 Hazard insurance
36.4327 Substitution of trustees
36.4328 Capacity of parties to contract
36.4329 Geographical limits
36.4330 Maintenance of records
36.4331 Removed
36.4332 Delivery of notice
36.4333 Satisfaction of indebtedness
36.4334 Incorporation by reference
36.4335 Supplementary administrative action
36.4336 Eligibility of loans; reasonable value requirements

Underwriting Standards, Processing Procedures, and Lender Responsibility and Certification

36.4337 Underwriting standards, processing procedures, lender responsibility and lender certification
36.4338 Death or insolvency of holder
36.4339 - 36.4340 - 36.4341 Qualification for designated fee appraisers/Restriction on designated fee appraisers/Removed
36.4342 Delegation of authority
36.4343 Cooperative loans
36.4344 Lender Appraisal Processing Program
36.4344a Servicer Appraisal Processing Program (SAPP)
36.4345 Waivers, consents, and approvals; when effective
36.4346 Servicing procedures for holders
36.4347 Minimum property and construction requirements
36.4348 Authority to close loans on the automatic basis
36.4349 Withdrawal of authority to close loans on the automatic basis
36.4350 Estate of veteran in real property
36.4351 - 36.4352 Loans, first, second, or unsecured/Tax, special assessment and other liens
36.4353 - 36.4354 Combination residential and business property/[Reserved]
36.4355 Supplemental loans
36.4356 Condominium loans-general
36.4357 Acceptable ownership arrangements and documentation
36.4358 Rights and restrictions
36.4359 Miscellaneous legal requirements
36.4360 Documentation and related requirements-flexible condominiums and condominiums with offsite facilities
36.4360a Appraisal requirements
36.4362 Requirement of construction warranty
36.4363 Nondiscrimination and equal opportunity in housing certification requirements
36.4364 Correction of structural defects
36.4365 Advertising and Solicitation Requirements

Loans Under 38 U.S.C. 3715

36.4370 Insured loan and insurance account
36.4372 - 36.4373 Transfer of insured loans/Debits and credits to insurance account under §36.4318
36.4374 - 36.4375 Payment of insurance/Reports of insured institutions

Federally Assisted Construction Contracts-Nondiscrimination in Employment-Executive Orders 11246 and 11375

36.4390 Purpose
36.4391 Applicability
36.4392 Certification requirements
36.4393 Complaint and hearing procedure

Assistance to Certain Disabled Veterans in Acquiring Specially Adapted Housing

36.4400 Applicability
36.4401 Definitions
36.4402 Eligibility
36.4403 Joint ownership of housing unit
36.4404 Computation of Cost
36.4405 - 36.4406 - 36.4407 Submission of proof to the Secretary/Disbursement of benefit authorized/Supplementary administrative action
36.4408 - 36.4409 Delegation of authority/Guaranteed or insured loans under 38 U.S.C. Chapter 37
36.4410 - 36.4411 Allocation of the funds of the grant/Geographical limits

Direct Loans

36.4500 Applicability
36.4501 Definitions
36.4502 Use of guaranty entitlement
36.4503 Amount and amortization
36.4504 Loan closing expenses
36.4505 - 36.4506 Maturity of loan/Recasting
36.4507 Refinancing of mortgage or other lien indebtedness
36.4508 Transfer of property by borrower
36.4509 Joint loans
36.4510 Prepayment, acceleration, and liquidation
36.4511 Advances after loan closing
36.4512 Taxes and insurance
36.4513 Foreclosure and liquidation
36.4514 Eligibility requirements
36.4515 Estate of veteran in real property
36.4516 Lien requirements
36.4517 - 36.4518 Incorporation by reference/Supplementary administrative action
36.4519 Eligible purposes and reasonable value requirements
36.4520 Delegation of authority
36.4521 - 36.4522 - 36.4523 Minimum property and construction requirements/Waivers, consents and approvals/Geographical limits
36.4524 - 36.4525 Sale of loans/Requirement of a construction warranty
36.4526 Issuance of fund reservation commitments
36.4527 Direct housing loans to Native American veterans on trust lands

Sale of Loans, Guarantee of Payment

36.4600 Sale of loans, guarantee of payment

Flood Insurance Requirements

36.4700 Authority, purpose, and scope
36.4701 Definitions
36.4702 - 36.4703 Requirement to purchase flood insurance where available/Exemptions
36.4704 - 36.4705 Escrow requirement/Required use of standard flood hazard determination form
36.4706 Forced placement of flood insurance
36.4707 Determination fees
36.4708 Notice of special flood hazards and availability of Federal disaster relief assistance
36.4709 Notice of servicer's identity
Appendix A Appendix A to Part 36

Guaranty of Insurance of Loans to Veterans With Electronic Reporting

36.4800 Applicability of this subpart
36.4801 Definitions
36.4802 Computation of guaranties or insurance credits
36.4803 Reporting requirements
36.4804 Deviations; changes of identity
36.4805 Partial disbursement
36.4806 Refinancing of mortgage or other lien indebtedness
36.4807 Interest rate reduction refinancing loan
36.4808 Joint loans
36.4809 Transfer of title by borrower or maturity by demand or acceleration
36.4810 Amortization
36.4811 Prepayment
36.4812 Interest rates
36.4813 Charges and fees
36.4814 Advances and other charges
36.4815 Loan modifications
36.4816 Acceptability of partial payments
36.4817 Servicer reporting requirements
36.4818 Servicer tier ranking-temporary procedures
36.4819 Servicer loss-mitigation options and incentives
36.4820 Refunding of loans in default
36.4821 Service of process
36.4822 Loan termination
36.4823 Election to convey security
36.4824 Guaranty claims; subsequent accounting
36.4825 Computation of indebtedness
36.4826 Subrogation and indemnity
36.4827 Release of security
36.4828 Partial or total loss of guaranty or insurance
36.4829 Hazard insurance
36.4830 Substitution of trustees
36.4831 Capacity of parties to contract
36.4832 Geographical limits
36.4833 Maintenance of records
36.4835 Delivery of notice
36.4837 Conformance of loan instruments
36.4838 Supplementary administrative action
36.4839 Eligibility of loans; reasonable value requirements
36.4840 Underwriting standards, processing procedures, lender responsibility, and lender certification
36.4841 Death or insolvency of holder
36.4842 Qualification for designated fee appraisers
36.4843 Restriction on designated appraisers
36.4845 Delegation of authority
36.4846 Cooperative loans
36.4847 Lender appraisal processing program
36.4848 Servicer appraisal processing program
36.4849 Waivers, consents, and approvals; when effective
36.4850 Servicing procedures for holders
36.4851 Minimum property and construction requirements
36.4852 Authority to close loans on the automatic basis
36.4853 Withdrawal of authority to close loans on the automatic basis
36.4854 Estate of veteran in real property
36.4855 Loans, first, second, or unsecured
36.4856 Tax, special assessment and other liens
36.4857 Combination residential and business property
36.4859 Supplemental loans
36.4860 Condominium loans
36.4861 Acceptable ownership arrangements and documentation
36.4862 Rights and restrictions
36.4863 Miscellaneous legal requirements
36.4864 Documentation and related requirements-flexible condominiums and condominiums with offsite facilities
36.4865 Appraisal requirements
36.4867 Requirement of construction warranty
36.4868 Nondiscrimination and equal opportunity in housing certification requirements
36.4869 Correction of structural defects
36.4870 Advertising and solicitation requirements
36.4875 Insured loan and insurance account
36.4877 Transfer of insured loans
36.4878 Debits and credits to insurance account under §36.4820
36.4879 Payment of insurance
36.4880 Reports of insured institutions
36.4890 Purpose
36.4891 Applicability
36.4892 Certification requirements
36.4893 Complaint and hearing procedure