VA Directives
VA Handbooks
OFM Bulletins

VA Controller Policy
MP-4, Part 1, Chap. 6 Portfolio Loan Collection Procedures (PLACE)
MP-4, Part 1, Chap 7
Insurance Collections Operating Procedures
MP-4, Part 1, Chap. 8
Committee on Waivers and Compromises
MP-4, Part 2, Chap. 6, Section F
Quarterly Report of Pay Continuation Data
MP-4, Part 3
VA Controller Policy Voucher Auditing - Foreword
MP-4, Part 3, Chap. 1
MP-4, Part 3, Chap. 2
Examination of Vouchers and Contracts
MP-4, Part 3, Chap. 3
Various Vouchers and Special Requirements
MP-4, Part 3, Chap. 4
Related Procedures
MP-4, Part 3, Chap. 5
Insurance Voucher Auditing
MP-4, Part 3, Chap. 6
Statistical Sampling Procedures for Insurance Refunds
MP-4, Part 4
VA Controller Policy Benefit Payments - Foreword
MP-4, Part 4, Chap. 1
MP-4, Part 4, Chap. 2
Section A through Section F
Section A - General
Section B - Processing and Maintenance of Payments
Section C - One Time Advance Payments
Section D - Maintenance of Personal Funds of Patients
Section E - Audit and Verification of CP&E Payments
Section F - Processing Garnishment Orders

MP-4, Part 4, Chap. 2 Section G through Section H
Section G - Benefit Payment Inquiries
Section H - VDT Input of Chap. 32 Fiscal Transactions
MP-4, Part 4, Chap. 3
MP-4, Part 4, Chap. 4
Returned, Hold and Intercept Payment Procedures
MP-4, Part 4, Chap. 5
Overpayment/Accounts Receivable
MP-4, Part 4, Chap. 6
Direct Deposit
MP-4, Part 4, Chap. 7
Claims for Entitlement
MP-4, Part 4, Chap. 8
Unassociated Accounts
MP-4, Part 4, Chap. 9
Education Loan Payment/Repayment Procedures
MP-4, Part 4, Chap. 10
Payment Procedures, U.S.C. 38, Chap. 34 and 35
MP-4, Part 4, Chap. 12
Processing Certification of Trng, U.S.C 38, Chap. 34 and 35
MP-4, Part 4, Chap. 14
Veterans Work/Study Procedures
MP-4, Part 4, Chap. 15
Military Service Promotion (Relook) Cases
MP-4, Part 4, Chap. 16
Miscellaneous - Service Certificate; Delinquent Federal Taxes
MP-4, Part 5, Chap. 1
Controller Policy Administrative Accounting
MP-4, Part 5, Chap. 2 Sections A thru M
General Ledger Accounting
Section A - General
Section B - Records of Original Entry
Section C - Documentation
Section D - Accounting for Collections
Section E - Interstation Transactions
Section F - Property Accounting
Section G - Subsidiary Accounts and Records
Section H - Other Accounting Operations
Section I - General Post Funds
Section J - Benefit Appropriation Accounting
Section K - Fiscal Year End Procedures
Section L - Special Therapeutic and Rehabilitation Funds
Section M - Construction & Operation of Garage & Parking
MP-4, Part 5, Chap. 3
Allotment Accounting
MP-4, Part 5, Chap. 5
Accounting Symbolization
MP-4, Part 5, Chap. 7
Supply Fund Accounting
MP-4, Part 5, Chap. 8
Insurance Fund & Insurance Appropriation Accounting
MP-4, Part 5, Chap. 8, Appendix K -
Insurance General Ledger Account Description
MP-4, Part 5, Chap. 9 Mortgage Loan Accounting
Section A -
Section B -

MP-4, Part 5, Chap. 9, Appendix L - Mortgage Loan Accounting
Section A - General
Section B - Funding and Fund Transfers
Section C - Obligations
Section D - Intervening Actions
Section E - Payments
Section F - Other General Ledger Transactions
Section G - End of Month Actions
Section H - Annual Changes
Section I - Capitalization

MP-4, Part 5, Chap. 11 Cash Advances Under Federal Grants and Other Programs
Section A - Accounting Precepts
Section B - Accounting Records
Section C - Management Controls Reports

MP-4, Part 5, Chap. 15 PAID Accounting Operations
MP-4, Part 5, Chap. 16
Benefit Payment Accounting
Appendix M-1 -
Benefit Payment Expense Account
Appendix M-2 -
G/L Accts. & Proforma Entries- C, P, & E Programs
Appendix M-3-
G/L Accts. C P & E Automated System
Appendix M-3-1 -
G/L Acct. Description 36X0102 - C&P, VA
Appendix M-3-2 -
36x4114 - Vocational ---- Revol. Fund
Appendix M-3-3 -
36X4024, Direct Loan)

M-3-3 - Continued
Appendix M 3-4 - General Fund Receipt & Treasury Accounting
Appendix M 3-5 -
36X6020, Personal Funds of Patients
Appendix M 3-6 -
36F3875. Budget Clearing Account
Appendix M 3-7 -
Pro Forma, CP&E ADP System

M 3-7 - Continued
Appendix M-4-1- Field Station General Ledger Acct. CP&E
Appendix M 4-2 -Pro Forma Entries
Appendix M-5-1 - 37X4119 - Education...VA Revolving Fund
Appendix M 6-1 - Chart for 36C8133 (Ch. 32)
Appendix M 7-1 - General Ledger Accounting Descriptions
Appendix M 7-2 -Pro Forma Entries - REPS
Appendix M 8-1 - Emergency Veteran Job Training Act of 1983
Appendix M 8-2 -Pro Forma Entries - EVJTA
Appendix M 9-1 - General Ledger Account Des.; Chap. 30/106
Appendix M 9-2 -Pro Forma Entries - Chap 30/106

MP-4, Part 5, Appendices
Appendix I -
General Ledger Accounts Under the PAID System
Appendix K - Part of Chap. 8
Appendix L - Part of Chap. 9
Appendix M - Part of Chap 16

MP-4, Part 8 Forward - Debt Collection
MP-4, Part 8 - Chap. 1
MP-4, Part 8 - Chap. 2
MP-4, Part 8 - Chap. 3
Collection Standards
MP-4, Part 8 - Chap. 4
Request for IRS Locator Assistance
MP-4, Part 8 - Chap. 5
MP-4, Part 8 - Chap. 6
Statute of Limitations
MP-4, Part 8 - Chap. 7
Late Payment & Other Charges
MP-4, Part 8 - Chap. 8
Employee Debts
MP-4, Part 8 - Chap. 9
VA Benefit Debts of VA Employees
MP-4, Part 8 - Chap. 10
Salary Offset for Federal Employees Indebted to U.S.
MP-4, Part 8 - Chap. 11
Vendor Debts
MP-4, Part 8 - Chap. 12
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
MP-4, Part 8 - Chap. 13
Health Professionals Education Assistance Program
MP-4, Part 8 - Chap. 14
Audit Related Receivable
MP-4, Part 8 - Chap. 15
Liability of Training Institutions for Overpayments
MP-4. Part 8 - Chap. 16
Internal Revenue Service Levies
MP-4, Part 8 - Chap. 17
Federal Receivables
MP-4, Part 8 - Chap. 18
Loan Guaranty Debts
MP-4, Part 8 - Chap. 19
Medical Care
MP-4, Part 8 - Chap. 20
Dispute Procedure for Benefit Debts
MP-4, Part 8 - Chap. 21
Waiver of Debts
MP-4, Part 8 - Chap. 22
Compromise of Debts
MP-4, Part 8 - Chap. 23
Suspension of Collection Action and Write-off of Debts
MP-4, Part 8 - Chap. 24
Referrals for Enforced Collection
MP-4, Part 8 - Chap. 25
VBA Referrals for Enforced Collection
MP-4, Part 8 - Chap. 26
Report of Discharge of Indebtedness to IRS
MP-4, Part 8 - Chap. 27
Records, Reports and Accounting
MP-4, Part 8 - Chap. 28
Military Service Promotion Reconsideration (Relook) Cases
MP-4, Part 8 Appendix A -
MP-4, Part 10
Controller Records Control Schedule
MP-4, Part 11
Fiscal Quality Assurance System - Foreword
MP-4, Part 11, Chap. 1
MP-4, Part 11, Chap. 2
Quality Assurance Reviews Records, Rpts. and Acctg., DM&S
MP-4, Part 11, Chap. 3
Quality Assurance Reviews, DVB
MP-4, Part 11, Chap. 4
Systematic Analysis, DVB

MP-6, Part V, Sup. 2.1 PAID Finance Procedures
MP-6, Part V, Sup. 2.2
Time and Leave and Coding of Time and Attendance Reports

MP-6, Part V, Sup. 2.3 PAID Payroll Operating Procedures
Chap. 1
General PAID Information and Procedures
Chap. 2
Distribution of Employee Salary Payments and Coding of Addresses
Chap. 3
Payments (except cash salary payments)
Chap. 4
Cash Salary Payments
Chap. 5
Chap. 6
Chap. 7
Settlement of Accounts of Deceased Employees
Chap. 8
Leave Balances and Adjustments
Chap. 9
Transfer of Leave Balances
Chap. 10
Veterans Canteen Service
Chap. 11
Returned, Canceled and Undelivered Checks
Chap. 12
Nonreceipt, Lost, Stolen, or Destroyed Salary Checks
Chap. 13
Miscellaneous PAID Procedures

MP-6, Part V, Sup. 2.4 PAID Station Control Operations
Chap. 1
Chap. 2
Processing and Control of Input
Chap. 3
VA Data Transmission System & Intra -VA Telecommunication Network Transmission
Chap. 4
Control and Distribution of Output
Chap. 5

VA Directive/Handbook 4533 Use of Estimated Miscellaneous Obligation or Change in Obligation (VA Form 1358)

VA Directive 0070 Management Accountability and Control Program
VA Directive 4000
Administrative Fiscal Policy
VA Directive 4003
Travel Reimbursement
VA Directive 4005 Accounting for Emergency-Related Costs
VA Directive 4010
Agent Cashier Policy
VA Directive 4020
Personal Funds of Patients Policy
VA Directive 4030
Imprest Fund Cashier Policy
VA Directive 4070
Cash Management
VA Directive 4080 Government Purchase Card Policy
VA Directive 4100
Payroll Administration
VA Directive 4510
Financial Management Systems
VA Directive 4511 Property, Plant, and Equipment
VA Directive 4520
General Ledger Accounting
VA Directive 4531 Accounting Policy for Non-Monetary Transactions (Bartering)
VA Directive 4533 Use of Estimated Miscellaneous Obligation or Change in Obligation (VA Form 1358)
VA Directive 4540
Financial Reports and Statements
VA Directive 4550
Accounting Symbolization
VA Directive 4560
Cost Accounting
VA Directive 4666
Inventory and Related Property
VA Directive 4667
Revenues, Other Financing Sources, & Expenses
VA Directive 4668
VA Directive 4669
Receivables Accounting Policy
VA Directive 4671 Cost Centers/Budget Object Codes Policy
VA Directive 4800 Debt Management
VA Directive 4800/1 Debt Management (Change # 1to VA Directive 4800)

VA Handbook 4000 Administrative Fiscal Procedures
VA Handbook 4003
Travel Reimbursement Procedures
VA Handbook 4005 Accounting for Emergency-Related Costs
VA Handbook 4010
Agent Cashier Procedures
VA Handbook 4020
Personal Funds of Patients Procedures
VA Handbook 4030
Imprest Fund Cashier Procedures
VA Handbook 4070.1
Collection Mechanisms
VA Handbook 4070.2
Disbursement Mechanisms
VA Handbook 4080 Government Purchase Card Procedures
VA Handbook 4511 Property, Plant, & Equipment

VA Handbook 4520 Standard General Ledger Chart of Accounts and Definitions
VA Handbook 4531 Accounting Procedures for Non-Monetary Transactions (Bartering)
VA Handbook 4533 Use of Estimated Miscellaneous Obligation or Change in Obligation (VA Form 1358)
VA Handbook 4550
Appropriation/Fund Symbols and Titles
VA Handbook 4560.1
Cost Accounting
VA Handbook 4671.1 Cost Centers (Draft)
VA Handbook 4671.2 Budget Object Codes
VA Handbook 4679
Subaccount Distribution of Personal Service Costs
VA Handbook 4800.1 VA Collection Standards
VA Handbook 4800.2 Dispute Procedures for Benefit Debts (VBA and VHA)
VA Handbook 4800.3 Waiver of Debts
VA Handbook 4800.4 Compromise of Debts
VA Handbook 4800.5 Suspension of Collection Action
VA Handbook 4800.6 Termination of Collection Action and Close Out of Debt
VA Handbook 4800.7 Treasury Offset Program and Treasury Cross Servicing
VA Handbook 4800.8 Vendor Debts
VA Handbook 4800.9 Interest, Administrative Costs, & Penalty Charges

VA Handbook 4800.10 Federal Accounts Receivable
VA Handbook 4800.11 Reporting Discharge of Indebtedness to IRS
VA Handbook 4800.12 Referrals for Enforced Collection (Litigation)
VA Handbook 4800.13 Statute of Limitations
VA Handbook 4800.14 Medical Care Debts
VA Handbook 4800.16 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Fees
VA Handbook 4800.19 Administrative Wage Garnishment
VA Handbook 4800.20 Records, Reports, & Accounting


FY 2009
OF Bulletin 09GA1.01 Financing Account End of Year Transfers of Excess Cash
OF Bulletin 09GC1.01 Late Payment Charges for Calendar Year 2009
OF Bulletin 09047E2.01 Pre-Tax Health Savings Account (HSA)
OF Bulletin 09047E2.02 2009 Federal Income Tax Withholding Formula and Other Rates and Limits

FY 2008
OF Bulletin 08GA1.01 VA Federal Employees’ and Veterans’ Benefits Liability Policy
OF Bulletin 08GA1.02 VA Investment Policy
OF Bulletin 08GA1.03 VA Loans Receivable Policy
OF Bulletin 08GA1.04 VA Insurance Policy
OF Bulletin 08GA1.05 VA Other Assets Policy – Advance Payments
OF Bulletin 08GA1.06 Accounting for Proceeds of Enhanced-Use Leasing Activities, Including Disposal
OF Bulletin 08GA1.07 Financial Reporting – Key Internal Control Procedures and Activities
OF Bulletin 08GA1.08 Statement of Transactions (SF-224)
OF Bulletin 08GA1.09 Common Numbering System for Non-Purchase Card Obligations
OF Bulletin 08GA1.10 Journal Voucher Preparation and Approval
OF Bulletin 08GA1.11 Intragovernmental Transaction Accounting Policy
OF Bulletin 08GA2.01 New West Virginia State Income Tax Withholding Option
OF Bulletin 08GA2.02 Revised Agency Contribution Rate for FERS Retirement Code “M”
OF Bulletin 08GA2.03 Recruitment and Relocation Incentives
OF Bulletin 08GA2.04 Retention Incentives
OF Bulletin 08GA2.05 Guidance on ETA Patch to Accommodate Executive Order Designating Monday, December 24, 2007, as a Federal Holiday
OF Bulletin 08GA2.06 2008 Federal Income Tax Withholding Formula and Other Rates and Limits
OF Bulletin 08E2.07D Payment Run Processing Schedule for DFAS
OF Bulletin 08E2.08 Bankruptcy Coding Update
OF Bulletin 08047E2.09 Weekend Premium Pay for Title 5 Health Care Workers - Update
OF Bulletin 08GC1.01 Late-Payment Charges for Calendar Year 2008
OF Bulletin 08GC1.02 Government Purchase Card Procedures Update – Training and Delegation of Authority
OF Bulletin 08GC1.04 Revised Follow-Up Timelines for Third-Party Medical Care Debts
OF Bulletin 08GC1.05 Revised Interest Rates for Calendar Year 2008
OF Bulletin 08GC2.01 New Cost Centers for the Office of Acquisition and Logistics
OF Bulletin 08GC2.02 New BOC for Advisory and Assistance Contract
OF Bulletin 08GC2.03 New BOC for C&P Medical Examinations
OF Bulletin 087E1.01 Government Travel Charge Card Policy Update

FY 2007
OF Bulletin 07GA1.01 Incentive Awards Ceremony Expenses/Mementos
OF Bulletin 07GA1.02 Numbering Schema for Purchase Card Transactions – rescinded by 07GA1.04
OF Bulletin 07GA1.03 Treasury Offset Program (TOP) Fees – rescinded by 07GA1.05
OF Bulletin 07GA1.04 Purchase Card Numbering Schema for Purchase Card Transactions
OF Bulletin 07GA1.05 Treasury Offset Program (TOP) Fees
OF Bulletin 07GA1.06 VA Clearing and Deposit Fund Accounts Policy
OF Bulletin 07GA1.07 Month End Procedures for Credit Card Purchases/Orders
OF Bulletin 07GA1.08 Change in Tax Status of Payments to Veterans Participating in Compensated Work Therapy and Incentive Therapy Programs
OF Bulletin 07GA2.01D Compensatory Time/Credit Hours
OF Bulletin 07GA2.02 Automation of Nurse Executive Special Pay
OF Bulletin 07GA2.03 Physician and Dentist Performance Pay
OF Bulletin 07GA2.04 Reporting/Cancelling Repayment of Student Loans
OF Bulletin 07GA2.05 Lump Sum Annual Leave Payments for Full Time Physicians and Dentists
OF Bulletin 07GA2.06 Savings Allotments
OF Bulletin 07GA2.07D Direct Deposit/Electronic Fund Transfer Payment Returns and Non-Receipt of Salary Checks
OF Bulletin 07GA2.08 Guidance on ETA Patch to Accommodate Executive Order Designating Tuesday, January 2, 2007 as a Federal Holiday
OF Bulletin 07GA2.09 2007 Federal Income Tax Withholding Formula and Other Rates and Limits
OF Bulletin 07GA2.10 Recording Annual Leave and Enhanced Time and Attendance (ETA) System Exceptions
OF Bulletin 07GA2.11 Compensatory Time/Credit Hours Policy Changes
OF Bulletin 07GA2.12 Fiscal and Payroll Policies and Procedures for the Transit Benefit Program – rescinded by 07GA2.13
OF Bulletin 07GA2.13 Fiscal and Payroll Policies and Procedures for the Transit Benefit Program
OF Bulletin 07GA2.14 Child Support Reconciliation
OF Bulletin 07GA2.15 Nurses Organization of Veterans Affairs (NOVA) Membership Dues Increase
OF Bulletin 07GA2.16 Policy and Procedure Changes for Compensatory Time
OF Bulletin 07GA2.17 Labor Distribution Corrections for Office of Information Technology
OF Bulletin 07GB1.01 FY07 Reporting Requirements for Deferred Maintenance and Hazardous Waste Clean-Up Costs
OF Bulletin 07GB1.02 Audit Management Guidance for the Preparation of VA’s Consolidated Financial Statements – rescinded by 07GB1.07
OF Bulletin 07GB1.03 Annual Certification of Accounting Records
OF Bulletin 07GB1.04 Departmental Financial Reporting
OF Bulletin 07GB1.05 FY 2007 Financial Reporting Requirements for Environmental and Disposal Liabilities
OF Bulletin 07GB1.06 FY 2007 Financial Reporting Requirements for Deferred Maintenance
OF Bulletin 07GB1.07 Audit Management Guidance for the Preparation of VA’s Consolidated Financial Statements
OF Bulletin 07GC1.01 Government Purchase Card Policy Update
OF Bulletin 07GC1.02 Late Payment Charges for Calendar Year 2007
OF Bulletin 07GC1.03 Waiver Consideration of Debts Arising Out of Participation in the VA Homeless Providers Grant and Per Diem Program
OF Bulletin 07GC1.05 Agent Cashier Deposit of Collections for Medical Care Collections Funds (MCCF)
OF Bulletin 07GC2.01 Announcement of New Budget Object Codes 2625, 2654, and 4205
OF Bulletin 07GC2.03 New Cost Centers for the Office of Construction and Facilities Management
OF Bulletin 07GC2.04 Announcement of New Cost Centers for the Office of Information and Technology

FY 2006
OF Bulletin 06GA1.01 Accounting for Proceeds of Enhanced-Use Leasing Activities Including Disposal
OF Bulletin 06GA1.02 Realignment of Fixed Assets and Related Accumulated Depreciation and Depreciation Expense
OF Bulletin 06GA1.03 Information Technology Appropriation
OF Bulletin 06GA1.04 Revision to Internal Control Guidelines
OF Bulletin 06GA1.05 Revision to MP-4, Part V, Chapter 3, Section A, Paragraph 3A.02
OF Bulletin 06GA2.01 Exception to Biweekly Maximum Earnings Limitation (Hurricane Katrina)
OF Bulletin 06GA2.02 Military Leave Charged on Non-Duty Days for Full-Time Title 38 Employees
OF Bulletin 06GA2.03 Military Leave for Full-Time Title 38 Employees Whose Leave is Recorded in Days
OF Bulletin 06GA2.04 Hazard Pay Differential and Environmental Differential Pay (EDP) for VAMC, New Orleans
OF Bulletin 06GA2.05 Child Support/Alimony
OF Bulletin 06GA2.06 Bankruptcy
OF Bulletin 06GA2.07 Garnishment
OF Bulletin 06GA2.08 Federal Tax Levy
OF Bulletin 06GA2.09 Recurring Deductions
OF Bulletin 06GA2.10 Military Leave Charged for Non-Duty Days for Title 5 and 38 EEs, Leave Recorded in Hours
OF Bulletin 06GA2.11 OLDE Screen Modifications
OF Bulletin 06GA2.12 2006 Federal Income Tax W/H Formula, Other Rates and Limits
OF Bulletin 06GA2.13 Physician and Dentist Pay Changes in 2006
OF Bulletin 06GA2.14 Earnings and Leave Statement Modification
OF Bulletin 06GA2.15 Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) Changes
OF Bulletin 06GA2.16 Incorrect PAID Overtime Calculations
OF Bulletin 06GA2.17 Nurse Executive Special Pay
OF Bulletin 06GA2.18 Immediate Salary Offset of Debts
OF Bulletin 06GA2.19 Master Record Edit and Update Processing Schedule Changes
OF Bulletin 06GA2.20 Payment Run Processing Cycle Schedule
OF Bulletin 06GA2.21 Full-Time Physician and Dentist Leave Changes in 2006
OF Bulletin 06GA2.22 Administrative Errors and the Use of Appropriated Funds
OF Bulletin 06GA2.23 Tax Implications for VA Child Care Subsidy Program and Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account
OF Bulletin 06GA2.24 Official Pay Day
OF Bulletin 06GA2.25D Savings Bond Deductions
OF Bulletin 06GA2.26 New Policy for Cash Collection or Check Cancellation for Union Dues and CFC
OF Bulletin 06GA2.27D Intra-Agency Transfers
OF Bulletin 06GA2.28 Updating Commercial Garnishments
OF Bulletin 06GA2.29D Updating Commercial Garnishments
OF Bulletin 06GA2.30D Change to Payroll Office ID for Federal Employee Health Benefit Forms
OF Bulletin 06GA2.31D Annual Leave Lump Sum
OF Bulletin 06GA2.32 Transferring Savings Bond Information
OF Bulletin 06GB1.01 FY06 Reporting Requirements for Deferred Maintenance & Hazardous Waste Clean-Up Costs
OF Bulletin 06GC1.01 Use of Government Purchase Card with Information Technology Appropriation
OF Bulletin 06GC1.02 Late Payment Charges for Calendar Year 2006
OF Bulletin 06GC1.03 Valid Taxpayer Identification Number on All Vendor Payments
OF Bulletin 06GC1.04 Follow-Up Procedures for Third-Party Medical Care Debts
OF Bulletin 06GC1.06 Revised Interest Rate for Calendar Year 2006
OF Bulletin 06GC1.07 Temporary Procedures for Making Federal Government Deposits - Rescinded
OF Bulletin 06GC2.01 Announcement of New Cost Center 1413
OF Bulletin 06GC2.02 Announcement of New Cost Center 1305
OF Bulletin 06GC2.03 Announcement of Change to Cost Center 1834
OF Bulletin 06GC2.04 Announcement of New Cost Center 4111
OF Bulletin 06GC2.05 Announcement of Description Change and New Cost Center 4184.1300
OF Bulletin 06GC2.06 Announcement of Reactivation of Cost Center 3045
OF Bulletin 06GC2.07 Announcement of Deactivations and Cost Center Description Changes
OF Bulletin 06GC2.08 Announcement of Reactivation of Cost Center 8215
OF Bulletin 06GC2.09 Annual Managerial Cost Accounting Certification
OF Bulletin 06GC2.10 Announcement of New Cost Center 5707
OF Bulletin 06GC2.11 Requesting Cost Centers and Budget Object Codes
OF Bulletin 06GC2.13 Announcement of New Cost Center 6341
OF Bulletin 06GC2.14 Announcement of New Cost Center 1838
OF Bulletin 06GC2.15 Announcement of New and Renamed Cost Centers
OF Bulletin 06GC2.16 Announcement of New Cost Centers 6293 and 6294
OF Bulletin 06GC2.17 Announcement of New Cost Centers for Office of OS&P
OF Bulletin 06GC2.18 Announcement of Information Technology Cost Center Additions/Changes
OF Bulletin 06GC2.19 Announcement of New and/or Modified Budget Object Codes

FY 2005
OF Bulletin 05GA1.01 Obligating Annual Funds to the Franchise Fund or Supply Fund
OF Bulletin 05GA1.02 Revision to MP-4, Part V, Chapter 2, Section I
OF Bulletin 05GA1.03 Period of Availability of Funds Pursuant to Inter- and Intra-Agency Agreements
OF Bulletin 05GA1.04 Accounting Policy Governing Rebates and Refunds
OF Bulletin 05GA1.05 Accounting for Non-Monetary Transactions (Bartering) – rescinded by VA Directive 4531 and VA Handbook 4531
OF Bulletin 05GA2.01 Georgia State Income Tax Withholding
OF Bulletin 05GA2.02 2005 Federal Income Tax W/H Formula, Other Rates and Limits
OF Bulletin 05GA2.03 Weekend Premium Pay for Title 5 Health Care Workers
OF Bulletin 05GA2.04 New Title 38 Hybrid Occupations
OF Bulletin 05GA2.05 Fiscal Payroll Policies and Procedures for the Transit Benefit Program
OF Bulletin 05GA2.06 Change in Federal Withholding Allowance Reporting Requirement
OF Bulletin 05GA2.07 Back Pay Indicator
OF Bulletin 05GA2.08 Military Leave Charged for Non-Duty Days – rescinded by 06GA2.10
OF Bulletin 05GA2.09 Compensatory Time (CT) for Travel
OF Bulletin 05GA2.10R1 Payroll Processing for Stations Affected by Hurricane Katrina – revised 9/6/05
OF Bulletin 05GB1.01 FY 05 Rptg.Req. 4 Deferred Main. & Hazardous Waste Clean-up Costs
OF Bulletin 05GC1.01 Further Instructions on the Impact of the Fugitive Felon Act
OF Bulletin 05GC1.02 NO FEAR Act of 2002
OF Bulletin 05GC1.03 Late Payment Charges for Calendar Year 2005
OF Bulletin 05GC1.04 Office of Financial Policy Collections Mechanism Update
OF Bulletin 05GC1.05 Crediting Funds Collected for CHAMPVA Services
OF Bulletin 05GC2.01 Announcement of New Cost Center 4148
OF Bulletin 05GC2.02 Announcement of New Budget Object Code 2528
OF Bulletin 05GC2.03 Announcement of New Cost Center 6337
OF Bulletin 05GC2.04 Announcement of New Cost Center 3090
OF Bulletin 05GC2.05 Announcement of New Cost Center 6343

FY 2004
OF Bulletin 04GA1.01 Deactivation & Replacement of BOC 1135
OF Bulletin 04GA1.02 Flexible Spending Accounts’ Administrative Fees
OF Bulletin 04GA2.01 Labor Distribution
OF Bulletin 04GA2.02 Labor Distribution Rescission
OF Bulletin 04GA2.03 Voluntary Allotments via Direct Deposit
OF Bulletin 04GA2.04 Court Ordered Federal Employees Health Benefits Indicator
OF Bulletin 04GA2.05 Labor Distribution Functionality
OF Bulletin 04GA2.06 Non-Foreign COLA in FLSA Overtime Computation
OF Bulletin 04GA2.07 W/H of City Service Fee for the City of Huntington, WVA
OF Bulletin 04GA2.08 Federal Tax Lock-in (LI) Functionality & Indicator
OF Bulletin 04GA2.09 Rptg. Fed. W/H Allowances of More than 10 Fed. Tax Exemps.
OF Bulletin 04GA2.10 Salary Overpayments Relating to Pay Period 06
OF Bulletin 04GA2.11 Revised Agency Contribution Rates for FERS
OF Bulletin 04GB1.01 FY 04 Rptg. Req. 4 Deferred Main. & Hazardous Waste Clean-up Costs
OF Bulletin 04GC1.01 Impact of VCAA of 2000 on Committees on Waivers and Compromises
OF Bulletin 04GC1.02 Late Payment Charges for Calendar Year 2004
OF Bulletin 04GC1.03 Government Purchase Card Procedure Update – rescinded by VA Handbook 4080
OF Bulletin 04GC1.04 OFP Government Purchase Card Procedures Update – rescinded by VA Handbook 4080
OF Bulletin 04GC1.05 Establishing, Changing or Deleting an ALC
OF Bulletin 04GC1.06 Reporting Discharge of Indebtedness to the IRS
OF Bulletin 04GC1.07 Agent Cashier Deposit of Collections
OF Bulletin 04GC1.08 Impact of the Fugitive Felon Act on Committees
OF Bulletin 04GC3.01 Exemptions from the Use of the Travel Charge Card
OF Bulletin 04GC3.02 Waiver of Distance Requirement
OF Bulletin 04GC3.03 Home Marketing Incentive Award Program

FY 2003
OF Bulletin 03GA1.01 Incentive Awards Ceremony Expenses/Mementos
OF Bulletin 03GA1.02 FY 03 Reporting Req. 4 Deferred Main. & Hazardous Waste Clean-up Costs
OF Bulletin 03GA1.03 Policy on Obligating Printing Costs for Station 101 – superceded by OF Bulletin 03GA1.04
OF Bulletin 03GA1.04
Policy On Obligating Printing Costs For Station 101
OF Bulletin 03GA1.05 Reconciliation of Internal–Use Software in Development Acct. (SGL 1832)

OF Bulletin 03GA2.01 Agency Contribution Rates Decrease for CSRS & FERS
OF Bulletin 03GA2.02 Waiving FEHB Prem. of Fed Civilian Empls Called to Active Military Duty
OF Bulletin 03GA2.03 Interim Instructions for Repayment of Student Loans
OF Bulletin 03GA2.04 2003 Federal Income Tax W/H Formula, Other Rates and Limits
OF Bulletin 03GA2.05 2003 CSRS Agency Contribution Rates Decrease
OF Bulletin 03GA2.06 CSRS-Offset Deductions for Employees w/FEHB-Premium Conversion
OF Bulletin 03GA2.07 2003 FEGLI Changes
OF Bulletin 03GA2.08 New Priority of Deductions
OF Bulletin 03GA2.09 Voluntary Allotments
OF Bulletin 03GA2.10 Automation of Commercial Garnishments w/Child Support Deductions
OF Bulletin 03GA2.11 Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) Input Fields and Other Changes
OF Bulletin 03GA2.12 Revised 2003 Federal Income Tax W/H Formula & Supplemental Rate
OF Bulletin 03GA2.13 Standard Form 2811, Transmittal & Summary Rpt. To Carrier Instr.
OF Bulletin 03GA2.14 Thrift Savings Plan Catch-up Contributions
OF Bulletin 03GC1.01 Late Payment Charges for Calendar Year 2003
OF Bulletin 03GC1.02 Collection of Agent Cashier Shortages/Losses
OF Bulletin 03GC1.03 Reporting of Agent Cashier/Accountable Officer Irregularities

OF Bulletin 03GC1.04 Government Purchase Card Procedures Update – rescinded by VA Handbook 4080
OF Bulletin 03GC1.05 Prompt Payment Policy Supplement
OF Bulletin 03GC1.06 Agent Cashier Replenishment Voucher EOM Procedures
OF Bulletin 03GC3.01 Reim. of Residence Transactions Assoc. w/permanent Chg of Station Moves
OF Bulletin 03GC3.02 Authorization and Approval of Travel
OF Bulletin 03GC3.03 Extension of the Home Marketing Incentive Award Pilot Program
OF Bulletin 03GC3.04 Open Travel Authorizations

FY 2002
OF Bulletin 02GA1.01 Fiscal Procedures for the Travel Savings Award Program
OF Bulletin 02GA1.02 FY 2002 SGL & Software Capitalization
OF Bulletin 02GA1.03 PP&E Policy Update (FY 2002)
OF Bulletin 02GA1.04 PP&E Policy Update on Hazardous Waste & Deferred Maintenance
OF Bulletin 02GA1.05 Xpenditure Trnsfers, Adj. To Xpenditures, & Reim. Agreements
OF Bulletin 02GA1.06 Personal Property Capitalization
OF Bulletin 02GA1.07 Real Property and Plant Equipment Capitalization
OF Bulletin 02GA1.08 Accounting Policy for Property, Plant, & Equipment
OF Bulletin 02GA1.09 Internal Use Software Capitalization Policy
OF Bulletin 02GA2.01 Union Dues as Voluntary Allotments & EFT
OF Bulletin 02GA2.02 2002 Federal Income Tax W/H Formula, Other Rates and Limits
OF Bulletin 02GA2.03 Weekend Pay for Hybrid Occupations
OF Bulletin 02GA2.04 Recording Procedures for Non-Monetary Awards
OF Bulletin 02GA2.05 Employee’s Clearance From Indebtedness
OF Bulletin 02GA2.06 Series I Savings Bonds
OF Bulletin 02GA2.07 New WVA. State Income Tax W/H Option
OF Bulletin 02GC1.01 Late Payment Charges for Calendar Year 2002
OF Bulletin 02GC1.02 Revised Interest Rate for Calendar Year 2002
OF Bulletin 02GC1.03 New EFT Collection Method
OF Bulletin 02GC2.01 Accounting for Unfunded Pension and ORB Expense - RESCINDED
OF Bulletin 02GC3.01 Home Marketing Incentive Award Pilot Program
OF Bulletin 02GC3.02
Travel Savings Award Program

FY 2001
OF Bulletin 01GA1.01 Transit Benefit Program
OF Bulletin 01GA1.02 PP&E Policy Update
OF Bulletin 01GA1.03 FCP - Standard Form - 52-B
OF Bulletin 01GA1.04 Acctg. Instructions for the VA 9/11 Fund
OF Bulletin 01GA1.05 Guidance on Etx, Adj to ETs, Reim. Agreements & Oblig. Of Funds – RESCINDED by OF Bulletin 02GA1.05
OF Bulletin 01GA2.01
Adjusting Continuation of Pay (COP) Hours
OF Bulletin 01GA2.02 Adjusting Continuation of Pay (COP) Hours (Replaces OF Bulletin 01GA2.01)
OF Bulletin 01GA2.03 Automatic Receivables for Advance FEHB
OF Bulletin 01GA2.04 2001 Federal Income Tax W/H Formula, Other Rates & Limits
OF Bulletin 01GA2.05 Gliding Schedules and Credit Hours
OF Bulletin 01GA2.06 Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) Changes
OF Bulletin 01GA2.07 Transit Benefit Program (RESCINDED)
OF Bulletin 01GA2.08 Federal Income Tax W/H Effective July 1, 2001
OF Bulletin 01GA2.09 Repaid Federal Employees Health Benefits Premiums
OF Bulletin 01GA2.10 Transit Benefit Program
OF Bulletin 01GA2.11 Macon County, Alabama Occupational Tax
OF Bulletin 01GA2.12 Rhode Island State Income Tax Withholding
OF Bulletin 01GC1.01 Late Payment Charges For Calendar Yr. 2001
OF Bulletin 01GC1.02 Prompt Payment Policy Update
OF Bulletin 01GC1.03 Collection of Undisputed Del Amts. Owed to Contractors
OF Bulletin 01GC2.01 Acctg. for Unfunded Pension & Other Retirement Benefits Expense - RESCINDED
OF Bulletin 01GC2.02 Reasonable Charge Self-Certification for VHA Stations
OF Bulletin 01GC2.03 Self Certification: Compliance w/SFFAS #'s 4 & 7 for VHA Stations
OF Bulletin 01GC2.04 Self-Certification of Compliance: Enhanced Health Care
OF Bulletin 01GC2.05 Cost Centers
OF Bulletin 01GC2.06 Budget Object Codes
OF Bulletin 01GC2.07 Budget Object Codes
OF Bulletin 01GC2.08 Cost Centers
OF Bulletin 01GC3.01 Relocation Services Program
OF Bulletin 01GC3.02 Travel Savings Award Program

FY 2000
OF Bulletin 00GA1.01 Personal Property Capitalization
OF Bulletin 00GA1.02 Revised Reporting Procedures for Deposit Funds
OF Bulletin 00GA1.03
PP&E Policy Update
OF Bulletin 00GA2.01
Quarterly Continuation of Pay Report
OF Bulletin 00GA2.02
2000 Federal Income Tax W/H Formula, Other Rates & Limits
OF Bulletin 00GA2.03
Maryland County Tax Changes
OF Bulletin 00GA2.04
Voluntary Separation Incentive Payments (VSIP)
OF Bulletin 00GA2.05 Award Pymts. for Residents, WOC, Fee Basis & P & H Empls.
OF Bulletin 00GC1.01
Cash & Convenience Check Disbursement Requirements
OF Bulletin 00GC1.02
Cash Management and Disbursement Requirements
OF Bulletin 00GC1.03
Late Payment Charges for Calendar Year 2000
OF Bulletin 00GC1.04
Admin. Control of Committees on Waivers & Compromises
OF Bulletin 00GC1.05
Late Payment Fee on Travel Reimbursement Voucher
OF Bulletin 00GC2.01 Accounting. for Unfunded Pension & O R B Expense
OF Bulletin 00GC2.02
Calc. of Annual RoR on Imputed Rents

FY 1999
OFM Bulletin 99GA1.01
Incentive Awards Ceremony Expenses/Mementos
OF Bulletin 99GA1.02
Real Property & Plant Equipment Capitalization
OF Bulletin 99GA1.07
PP&E Policy Update
OFM Bulletin 99GA2.01
TSP Adjustments for Prior Years
OFM Bulletin 99GA2.02
Change in Priority of Deductions
OFM Bulletin 99GA2.03
1999 Fed. Income Tax W/H Formula, Other R&L
OFM Bulletin 99GA2.04
Firefighters Pay Reform - Manual Instructions
OF Bulletin 99GA2.05
Federal Employees Life Insurance (FEGLI)
OF Bulletin 99GA2.06
1999 DD/EFT Req. for Salaries/Wages & Related Pymts.
OF Bulletin 99GA2.07
Automatic Remittance of Health Insurance
OF Bulletin 99GA2.08
Firefighters Pay Reform - Automated Instructions
OFM Bulletin 99GC1.01
Review of Travel Vouchers
OF Bulletin 99GC1.02
Late Payment Charges for Calendar Yr. 1999
OFM Bulletin 99GC1.03
Electronic Fund Transfer Requirements
OF Bulletin 99GC1.04
New Requirement for Decisions by COW&C
OF Bulletin 99GC1.05
Claims for Refunds
OFM Bulletin 99GC2.01
Acctg. For Unfunded Pension & ORB Expense - RESCINDED
OF Bulletin 99GC2.02
Acctg. for Unfunded Liabilities and Expenses
OFM Bulletin 99GC2.03
Application of Annual RoR on Imputed Rents
OF Bulletin 99GC2.04
Dept. Overhead Calculations
OF Bulletin 99GC2.05
Cost Acctg. Policy Applicable to Staff Offices
OF Bulletin 99GC2.06
Accounting for Non-Production Costs

FY 1998
OFM Bulletin 98GA1.02 Rescinded with VA Handbook 4671.2
OFM Bulletin 98GA1.04
PP&E Policy Update
OFM Bulletin 98GA1.05
Budget Object Codes
OFM Bulletin 98GA1.06
FY 1999 SGL Changes
OFM Bulletin 98GA1.07
New FY 1999 Capitalized Assets Fund Categories
OFM Bulletin 98GA2.01
Senior Executives Association (SEA)
OFM Bulletin 98GA2.02
Thrift Savings Plan Loan Payment Programs
OFM Bulletin 98GA2.03
Garage Deductions
OFM Bulletin 98GA2.05
Rvsd. OLDE Input Instr. for Az. State Taxes
OFM Bulletin 98GC1.01
Appeal of Req. for Waiver of Erroneous Pymnts.
OFM Bulletin 98GC1.02
Offset of Vendor Debts Prior to Write-offs

FY 1997
OFM Bulletin 97GA1.01 New Req. for Deposit of Collections under the FMCRA
OFM Bulletin 97GA1.02 Rescinded with OFM Bulletin 99GA1.01
OFM Bulletin 97GA1.03 Rescinded with VA Handbook 4671.2
OFM Bulletin 97GA1.04
Off-the-Shelf Software Capitalization
OFM Bulletin 97GA1.06
Trust Real Property General Ledger Accounts
OFM Bulletin 97GA1.07
New BOC for Shipment of Vehicles with PCS Travel
OFM Bulletin 97GA1.09
Fiscal Year 1998 Standard General Ledger Changes
OFM Bulletin 97GA1.10 Rescinded with VA Handbook 4671.2
OFM Bulletin 97GA2.02
Hlth Benefits & Life Ins. W/H & Contributions
OFM Bulletin 97GA2.03
Rev'd Computation of Aggregate Disposable Earnings
OFM Bulletin 97GA2.04
Employee's Share of Health Insurance
OFM Bulletin 97GA2.05
P/T & Intermittent Empl: P/R Req. Relating to Ret. Cr
OFM Bulletin 97GA2.06
Corrective Actions for TSP Errors Made in PP12, 1997
OFM Bulletin 97GA2.07
Compensatory Time Provisions for FWS Employees
OFM Bulletin 97GA2.08
Rev'd Inst. for Compensatory Time Provisions for FWS
OFM Bulletin 97GA2.09
Minimum Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) Deduction
OFM Bulletin 97GA2.10
Revised Agency Contribution Rates for FERS and CSRS
OFM Bulletin 97GA2.11
Sunday and Saturday Pay for Periods of Duty
OFM Bulletin 97GC1.02
Agent Cashier Annual Report of Deposits RCS 04-0449
OFM Bulletin 97GC1.03
New Reqmnts for Waiver of Erroneous Pymts of Pay & All.
OFM Bulletin 97GC1.04
IRS Form 1099 - Misc. Reporting

FY 1996
OFM Bulletin 96GC1.01 New Requirements for all Federal Payments
OFM Bulletin 96G3.06
U. S. Savings Bonds
OFM Bulletin 96G3.05
Q&As on the Voluntary Leave Transfer Program
OFM Bulletin 96G3.04
New Requirements for DD/EFT of Salary & Wage Payments
OFM Bulletin 96G3.03
Revised Retention for SF 71, Application for Leave
OFM Bulletin 96G3.02
Revised OLDE Instructions for Massachusetts
OFM Bulletin 96G1.08
New General Ledger Budgetary Accounts
OFM Bulletin 96G1.07
Contractual Adjustments
OFM Bulletin 96G1.06
Elimination of Capitalization for Non-X Property-Invalid Lifts
OFM Bulletin 96G1.05
Financial Policy for Property, Plant, & Equipment
OFM Bulletin 96G1.04
Depreciation Expense General Ledger Accounts
OFM Bulletin 96G1.03
Severable Service Contracts Crossing Fiscal Years
OFM Bulletin 96G1.01
Recycling Revenue

FY 1995
OFM Bulletin 95G1.12 Rescinded with VA Handbook 4671.2
OFM Bulletin 95G3.03
Family Friendly Leave Act
OFM Bulletin 95G3.04
Deferment of TSP from NY City Taxable Wages
OFM Bulletin 95G3.06
Automation of Commercial & State/Local Tax Garnishments
OFM Bulletin 95G3.09
Deleting Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) Information
OFM Bulletin 95G3.10
Processing TSP Cont. for Empl. Returning fr. Mil. Duty
OFM Bulletin 95G3.11
Manual Adjustments - Retention Allowances
OFM Bulletin 95G3.13
Automation of Family Friendly Leave
OFM Bulletin 95G4.01
International Treasury General Account (ITGA)
OFM Bulletin 95G4.02 Expired and Rescinded

FY 1994
OFM Bulletin 94G3.01
Instr. For Recording Time Off as an Award on VA Form 5631
OFM Bulletin 94G3.04
OLDE Instruc. To Input General Union Dues Increases
OFM Bulletin 94G3.05
CFC Codes
OFM Bulletin 94G3.06
Frequently Asked Questions Concerning MSD
OFM Bulletin 94G3.09
Special End of Calendar Year Coding Requirements
OFM Bulletin 94G3.10
Garnishment of Federal Employees' Pay
OFM Bulletin 94G3.11
Locality Pay
OFM Bulletin 94G3.12
Request for Information - Fee Basis Nurses
OFM Bulletin 94G3.18
Request for Waiver of Salary Overpayments
OFM Bulletin 94G3.20
Earned Income Tax Credit
OFM Bulletin 94G3.21
COLA for CSRS and FERS Re-employed Annuitants
OFM Bulletin 94G3.22
NOVA Request for Payroll Allotments for Professional Dues
OFM Bulletin 94G7.17
Revised Department of Justice (DOJ) Instructions
OFM Bulletin 94G7.19
Centralized A/R System (CARS) Cost Reports

FY 1993
OFM Bulletin 93G3.36 Sun. Prem. Pay for Periods of Leave - Ref. Armitage Decision
OFM Bulletin 93G4.13
Tax Identification Numbers





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