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The MPA Library provides links to other Websites and databases, including freely available full-text material whenever possible. When you follow a link to another site from the MPA Library, you are subject to the copyright and use policies of the site.

The MPA Library has also requested and received written permission from many authors and publishers to provide the digital copies of full-text journal articles and other copyrighted materials through the MPA Library.

Please note that although the Marine Protected Areas Library is making digital copies of these documents publicly accessible, the issuing program, author or publisher retains the copyright for most of its titles. Therefore copyright restrictions do apply and permission from the appropriate author or publisher must be granted before any reproduction or redistribution may occur.

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The Marine Protected Areas Library is a part of the Marine Protected Areas Center within the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). NOAA is part of the U.S. Department of Commerce. The MPA Library is therefore subject to governmental regulations, and material authored by the MPA Library is in the public domain and freely available to distribute. However, much of the information found within the MPA Library is from sources outside the U.S. government, and is thus subject to copyright law.


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