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When You're Contacted as a Possible Match

Once you are listed on the National Marrow Donor Program (NMDP) Registry, we will contact you if you are identified as a possible match for a patient.

At this point in the bone marrow donation process:

  • The patient's doctor requests additional testing to determine if you are the best donor for the patient. You may be asked to provide a blood sample for testing or a stored sample may be used.
  • You are likely one of several people being tested. The chance you will be selected is about 1 in 12. For more information, see How Donors Are Selected.
  • We will make sure you are still interested in participating and provide information and answers to your questions.
  • We will ask questions about your health history to be sure it is safe for you to donate bone marrow or blood cells. For more information, see Medical Guidelines: When You Match a Patient.

Additional testing — What to expect

Participating in additional testing is your decision. There is no cost to you — the NMDP or the patient’s insurance covers any medical expenses. If you are unwilling or unable to participate, please tell us as soon as you decide.

It can take one week to 60 days for the patient’s doctor to get the testing results and select a donor. The patient’s condition also affects the process timing. We will keep you posted on the doctor’s decision. If you are the most suitable donor, you may be asked to donate right away or wait until the patient is ready. Doctors base the timing on what is best for the patient and you. To learn more, see when you’re asked to donate for a patient

More information

Confirmatory Typing brochureFor more details on the testing process used to select the best donor, as well as the donation process, see the Confirmatory Typing (PDF) booklet. Also in Spanish: Tipificación Confirmatoria (PDF). Available in other languages in print.

To order this and other free materials for donors, in English and other languages, use the online donor materials order form.

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Page last updated: July 2007

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