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Courter issues 'Call for Volunteers' to assist with preparing professional development course

Input sought in developing new course's 41 topic areas

December 10, 2008




SUBJECT: Call for Volunteers

1. A great many heads nod in agreement when I announce at meetings and conferences that it’s time for a total overhaul of “The CAP Senior Officer Course,” most often referred to as “ECI-13.” The present course is 12 years old, has a high attrition rate, and has become an impediment to many of our senior members in completing Level II of the Senior Member Professional Development Program. More importantly, even when completed, the course contributes less than we need for the present-day professional development of our senior members.

2. I have attached an outline of an ECI-13 replacement course entitled, “The CAP Officer Basic Course (COBC).” This course was approved for development and implementation by the National Executive Committee. The course content is divided into 3 major modules with a total of 41 subordinate topic areas. Average time for students to complete each topic is anticipated to be 30 minutes. Total contact time for the course is targeted at 20 hours. The course will be implemented via the “Blackboard” learning management system recently acquired by CAP. When completed, CAP will host the course online and make it available 24/7.    

3. CAP National Headquarters has two staff positions to manage all professional development programs for our 34,500+ senior members. So, they are in dire need of assistance if this new course is to become a reality. Accordingly, I am issuing a “Call for Volunteers” from across the nation to assist in developing one or more of the topic areas. If you would like to nominate one of your volunteers or subordinate commanders to help, please send an email to bjtourville@capnhq.gov. A response by 15 January, 2009, would be most appreciated. CAP members who are selected to develop a topic(s), and who successfully complete that task, will receive appropriate recognition from my office. 

4. As your National Commander, I intend to keep my promise to you that the professional development of our senior members is a top priority. With your help, I can fulfill that promise.  Please volunteer to assist in this very worthwhile project to enhance the professional development of the finest corps of humanitarian volunteers in America.  THANK YOU! 

Major General, CAP

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