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 Concepts and Recommendations
Vice President's Memorandum
Vice President Gore - Washington, D.C.

Memorandum for Heads of Executive Departments, Agencies, and Independent Establishments

Subject: Implementing an International Trade Data System (NPR Recommendation IT06)

The National Performance Review recommended the establishment of an integrated, governmentwide system encompassing the breadth of information used for and derived from the Federal government's responsibilities for commerce crossing our national borders: from data needed for port clearance to analyses supporting trade policy development and trade promotion. An IT06 Task Force, with the participation of staff from 53 agencies, has issued a report ( Concepts and Recommendations ) defining the concepts and benefits of such a trade data system. This memorandum establishes a multi-agency project with the authority to achieve the vision of this initiative.

The project will be run by an interagency Board of Directors drawn from departments with a substantial involvement in the operation, analysis, policy development, and promotion of international trade. I am pleased to announce the selection of the following individuals to serve on the Board of Directors for this project:

John P. SimpsonDeputy Assistant Secretary of Treasury for Regulatory Tariff, and Enforcement, Chair
Michael D. CroninAssistant Commissioner for Inspections, Immigration and Naturalization Service
Gary J. DykstraDeputy Associate Commissioner for Regulatory Affairs, Food and Drug Administration
Gloria J. JeffAssociate Commission for Policy, Federal Highway Administration
Frederick T. KnickerbockerAssociate Director for Economic Programs, Bureau of the Census
Michael H. LaneDeputy Commissioner, United States Customs Service
Eugene A. RosengardenDirector, Office of Tariff Affairs and Trade Agreements, International Trade Commission
David A. WaltersAssistant USTR for Economic Affairs, United States Trade Representative
Paul A. DrazekSpecial Assistant to the Secretary, Department of Agriculture

The project will depend on cooperation from all federal organizations with responsibilities related to international trade. Many agencies have been developing and operating their own stand-alone systems, and this project will draw upon the efforts and resources of these agencies to forge the coordinated governmentwide system. An Interagency Project Office will be located in the Departmental Offices of the Treasury Department to provide staff support to the Board and conduct the day-to-day tasks of the project. The attached Charter ( ITDS Implementation Project - Charter ) provides additional information.

The involvement of so many different agencies in various aspects of international trade makes this project a very great challenge to our ability to work together. I urge all agencies to cooperate with the Board's efforts to coordinate and refocus our efforts toward a governmentwide perspective for the International Trade Data System.

(Signature of Al Gore)

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