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Next Steps for Developing the Framework for the National System of MPAs

On March 17, 2008, the MPA Center released the Revised Draft Framework for Developing the National System of MPAs, which was available for public comment until May 16, 2008.  Thirty-four submissions were received from government agencies, stakeholder groups and individuals during the two month comment period.  Over the next several months, the MPA Center will lead development of a final, revised Framework and formal response to comments based on the input received and subsequent federal agency review. 

This Revised Draft Framework provides overarching guidance for collaborative efforts among federal, state, tribal and local governments and stakeholders to develop an effective National System of MPAs. In addition, the Revised Draft Framework outlines collaborative processes for MPA programs at all levels of government to work together at regional, national, and international levels, with public participation, to achieve common conservation objectives through comprehensive MPA planning, identification of enhanced or new MPAs that may be needed, and support for improved MPA science, stewardship and effectiveness.

The intent of this document is to summarize and respond to comments received on the initial draft document during the September 2006 through February 2007 public comment period, and solicit additional public input on the proposed Revised Draft Framework in order to develop a final document that meets the nation's interests in the National System. The Revised Draft Framework incorporates significant modifications based on due consideration of all comments and recommendations received on the initial draft document. At the end of the comment period on this Revised Draft Framework, NOAA will publish the final Framework, again with consideration of input received.

Download the Revised Draft National MPA System Framework
You can download the entire draft framework document, or download it in sections:

Framework Cover
Revised Draft Framework for Developing the National System of MPAs (full text, 71 pages)
Summary of Revised Draft Framework for Developing the National System of MPAs (9 pages)
Revised Draft Framework for Developing the National System of MPAs without Appendices (44 pages)

  1. Acronyms and Abbreviations
  2. Existing U.S. MPA Programs, Federal MPA Initiatives, Tribal, and International Efforts
  3. Response to Comments on the Draft Framework for Developing the National System of MPAs
  4. Revised Draft Environmental Assessment

Developing the First Draft Framework for the National System of MPAs

On February 28, 2007, the public comment period on the first Draft Framework for Developing the National System of MPAs ended. Over the course of the five month comment period, the National MPA Center received approximately 100 individual comments. In one instance, the same comment was submitted approximately 10,900 times by different members of one organization. Overall, comments were received from tribes, states, the public, the MPA Federal Advisory Committee, conservation and industry organizations, academia, and fishery councils and commissions.

The MPA Center has analyzed the comments received and identified necessary revisions to the Framework document. Publication of the final Framework and formal response to comments is anticipated in the summer of 2008.

What's different between the First Draft Framework and the Revised Draft Framework?

Download the First Draft National MPA System Framework
You can download the entire draft framework document, or download it in sections:

Draft Framework for Developing the National System of MPAs (full text, 78 pages)
Summary of Draft Framework for Developing the National System of MPAs (8 pages)
Draft Framework for Developing the National System of MPAs without Appendices (60 pages)

  1. Collaborative Planning
  2. MPA Federal Advisory Committee and Ex-Officio Members
  3. Acronyms and Abbreviations
  4. Draft Environmental Assessment

Input and Recommendations Received that Helped Shape the First Draft Framework
Over the course of three years, the MPA Center sought advice from federal, tribal, state, territorial, regional, and local government agencies and MPA programs, non-governmental organizations, anglers, academics, commercial fishermen, coastal communities, energy industry representatives, and other members of the public to inform the development of the framework. The MPA Center received formal recommendations from states and territories and the MPA Federal Advisory Committee, collected comments and feedback from nine MPA Center-sponsored workshops around the country, and presented information at approximately fifty other meetings and workshops of MPA stakeholder groups. The MPA Center will continue to consult stakeholders as it moves forward with building the national system. Recommendations also were provided to NOAA and the Department of the Interior in separate written reports from the MPA Federal Advisory Committee and from coastal states and territories.

  • a series of public dialogue meetings
  • federal, state, and tribal agency workshops
  • MPA Federal Advisory Committee
  • fishery management councils
  • anglers
  • conservation organizations
  • energy industry
  • commercial fishermen
  • coastal communities
  • scientists
  • divers
  • others interested in MPAs

Workshop Reports

Public Tele/Net Conferencing Meetings
During the public comment period, the MPA Center held two Tele/Net-Conference meetings for the public to provide information.


Other National MPA System Resources:
Addressing Public Comments: The Revised Draft Framework for Developing the National System of MPAs
Federal Register Notice of Revised Draft National System Framework Public Comment Period
National System Workshop Reports and Recommendations
MPA Federal Advisory Committee Comments on Draft Framework (Feb 2007)
MPA Federal Advisory Committee Recommendations (June 2005)
National System MPA Definitions and Criteria
Press Release
Framework Fact Sheet
Questions and Answers
National System of MPAs section
MPA Executive Order 13158
Other Fact Sheets

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