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    2008 Federal Committee On Statistical Methodology Statistical Policy Seminar
    Beyond 2010: Confronting the Challenges

    November 18-19, 2008

    Preliminary Program

    Support Provided by:

    Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
    Bureau of Economic Analysis
    Bureau of Justice Statistics
    Bureau of Labor Statistics
    Bureau of Transportation Statistics
    Energy Information Administration
    Environmental Protection Agency
    National Agricultural Statistics Service
    National Center for Education Statistics
    National Center for Health Statistics
    Office of Research, Evaluation, and Statistics of the Social Security Administration
    Statistics of Income Division of the Internal Revenue Service
    U.S. Census Bureau
    Science Resources Statistics/National Science Foundation


    Statistical Uses of Administrative Records in Federal Agencies
    Case Studies in the Statistical Uses of Administrative Records
    Cell Phones: The New Frontier in RDD surveys
    New Perspectives and Practices on Non-Response Bias Analyses
    Current Issues in Privacy and the Safekeeping of Personally Identifiable Information
    Survey Respondent Incentives
    Current Trends in Access to Restricted-Use Data
    Development and Management of Human and Institutional Capital in Statistical Organizations
    2010 Census Experiments
    Issues of Data Capacity and Statistical Quality to Support Modeling and Micro-simulation Efforts
    Making Survey Processes More Robust in Response to Funding Reductions
    Using Paradata to Improve the Management of Survey Costs

    Keynote Address:

    Hermann Habermann, former Director, U.N. Statistics Division and former Deputy Director, U.S. Census Bureau

    Location and Seminar Cost:

    L'Enfant Plaza Hotel, 480 L'Enfant Plaza, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20024
    Cost: $195.00 per person

    For Further Information, Contact the COPAFS Office at:

    Phone: 703-836-0404
    Email: copafs@aol.com
    Fax: 703-836-0406
    The registration form is available at the COPAFS web site at: www.copafs.org