National Children’s Study Announces Opportunity for Public Review and Comment on the Study’s Research Plan (July 2007) 

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Last Reviewed:  6/1/2008
Last Updated:  8/3/2007

National Children’s Study Announces Opportunity for Public Review and Comment on the Study’s Research Plan (July 2007) 

National Children’s Study Announces Opportunity for Public Review and Comment on the Study’s Research Plan

The National Children’s Study has completed the Research Plan for the first phase of the Study (from birth to 24 months of age), and is making it available to the public for comment, including scientific reviewers, professional colleagues, contributors, and all who are interested in this ground-breaking initiative that addresses the major challenges in our children’s future. The Research Plan builds on the initial Study Plan and describes the scientific background, rationale, and design of the Study. The Research Plan provides a broad overview of how researchers will conduct the Study and how the data will be collected.

The Research Plan and directions on providing comment to the Study can be viewed on the Federal Register (PDF 51 kb) or by visiting the National Children’s Study Web site. The Plan will be available for public comment for 60 days. Responses should be submitted on or before September 25, 2007.

All comments provided by the public will be reviewed by the Study’s scientific staff.

The Study Protocol is also nearing completion. The Protocol will include specific measures from preconception through 24 months of age, with less emphasis on the background rationale for the Study and Study hypotheses, but greater detail on the specific instruments, items, and tests. It will enable preparation of operations manuals, training, etc. Subsequent versions of the Protocol will be developed approximately two years prior to planned data collection.

For more information on the National Children’s Study, please visit:, or e-mail the Study at:

If you are having difficulties referencing the links above, please visit the Federal Register at: (PDF 51 KB), or visit the National Children’s Study Web site at: