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Welcome to the July 2008 issue of the HIL. Public Health Observances for July include: UV Safety Month, Juvenile Arthritis Awareness Month, and International Group B Strep Awareness Month. For more information on these and other July National Health Observances, see HealthFinder's National Health Observances Calendar at http://www.healthfinder.gov/library/nho/nho.asp?year=2008#m7.

Looking ahead, Public Health Observances for August include: National Immunization Awareness Month, Children's Eye Health and Safety Month, and Psoriasis Awareness Month. For more information on August's National Health Observances, visit http://www.healthfinder.gov/library/nho/nho.asp?year=2008#m8.

Inside HRSA: The July issue of Inside HRSA features reporting and photos from the recent 2008 Primary Health Care All-Grantee Meeting. In one story from the meeting, HRSA physicians discuss trends in HIV/AIDS prevalence and treatment and urge clinicians to be alert for signs of tuberculosis and other "co-morbidities" in HIV-positive patients. Another item highlights improvements in HRSA's "Find a Health Center" Web site that make it easier for people to find the clinic closest to them. The issue also looks at Scott Otterbein's extensive volunteer efforts to train and support Special Olympics athletes in Pennsylvania. Otterbein is operations director at HRSA's Philadelphia regional office. With this issue, we introduce a new monthly item - "What's up on the Web?" - to throw a spotlight on useful and innovative sites on the HRSA Web. The July item looks at http://granteefind.hrsa.gov, which has information on all of HRSA's FY 2007 grantees. As with every issue, Inside HRSA gives you a snapshot of current news and events and staff on the move.

For the latest HRSA news, as well as previous editions of Inside HRSA, visit the HRSA News Room at http://newsroom.hrsa.gov/.

Program In Focus for July: The Federal Interagency Forum on Child and Family Statistics (Forum) is a collection of 20 Federal government agencies involved in research and activities related to children and families. The mission of the Forum is to foster coordination and collaboration and to enhance and improve consistency in the collection and reporting of Federal data on children and families. The Forum's annual report, America's Children: Key National Indicators of Well-Being, provides the Nation with a summary of national indicators of child well-being and monitors changes in these indicators over time.

You can learn more about the Forum by going to http://www.childstats.gov.


To order, go to our website.

  • America's Children in Brief: Key National Indicators of Well-Being, 2008
    This report, a summary version of the America's Children: Key National Indicators of Well-Being report to be published in 2009, provides an accessible compendium of selected indicators drawn from the most reliable official statistics across 22 Federal Government agencies. It presents background measures and well-being indicators organized into seven sections: family and social environment, economic circumstances, health care, physical environment, behavior, education, and health. The report includes figures and tables. Use inventory code MCH00260 to order.

  • Challenges for Rural Emergency Medical Services: Medical Oversight (Findings Brief, May 2008)
    This findings brief discusses data from a study examining the challenges faced by local rural emergency medical services agencies in ensuring medical personnel oversight. It outlines problems with medical direction, gives background information, key findings, and policy implications. The findings brief includes tables. Use inventory code ORHP00418 to order.

  • Community Health Center and Rural Health Clinic Presence Associated with Lower County-Level Hospitalization Rates for Ambulatory Care Sensitive Conditions
    This report examines the contribution of rural safety net providers in providing accessible health care, as measured by rates of ambulatory care sensitive (ACS) hospitalization across eight states among children, working adults, and older adults. It discusses the impact that the presence of federally qualified community health centers and rural health centers within a county has on the overall population health and admission rates for ACS conditions. The report includes tables, references, and an appendix. Use inventory code ORHP00422 to order.

  • Far From the City: Community Orientation and Responsiveness of Rural Hospitals (May 2008)
    This policy brief provides an overview of a study comparing the community orientation and responsiveness of differing rural hospitals. It gives background information, key findings, and policy implications of the study. The brief includes references. Use inventory code ORHP00417 to order.

  • Health Centers: America's Primary Care Safety Net Reflections on Success, 2002-2007
    This booklet reflects on the success of the health center program in delivering comprehensive, high-quality primary health care to America's underserved population for more than 40 years. It describes the fundamentals of the health center program; the health center model of care; the partnerships with State, regional, and national organizations; and the unprecedented growth of the health center program from 2002-2007. The booklet includes a sample of successful health center grantees and their stories of growth, achievement, and excellence. Use inventory code PC00617 to order.

  • Issues in Staffing Emergency Medical Services: A National Survey of Local Rural and Urban EMS Directors (Final Report # 93, May 2008)
    This report examines the differences concerning medical oversight and human resources faced by rural emergency medical services (EMS) agencies compared to their urban counterparts. It discusses the characteristics of surveyed EMS agencies, availability and role of the medical directors, on-line and off-line medical direction, and recruitment and retention of Emergency Medical Technicians and Paramedics. The report includes tables and references. Use inventory code ORHP00420 to order.

  • Rural Issue Brief: Prevalence of Evidence-Based Safe Medication Practices in Small Rural Hospitals (April 2008, Number 2008-1)
    This issue brief presents findings from a national survey of small rural hospitals that described the prevalence of evidence-based safe medication practices. It highlights survey results of all phases of medication use, including prescribing, documenting, dispensing by a pharmacist, administering, and monitoring. The brief includes figures and references. Use inventory code ORHP00416 to order.

  • Rural-Urban Differences in Characteristics of Local EMS Agencies (Findings Brief, May 2008)
    This findings brief provides an overview of a study comparing the general characteristics of rural and urban Emergency Medical Services (EMS) agencies. It outlines the size of the geographic area covered, the number of people served, agency affiliation, services provided, vehicles used, staffing capacity, certification, and payment. The brief includes key findings and a table. Use inventory code ORHP00419 to order.

The HRSA Information Center (IC) houses over a thousand free publications, on a variety of related topics. For more information, visit the HRSA IC at http://www.ask.hrsa.gov/.

To order publications: call 1-888-Ask HRSA, log onto our website http://www.ask.hrsa.gov, or send an e-mail message to ask@hrsa.gov.

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