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Welcome to the June 2008 issue of the HIL. Public Health Observances for June include: Home Safety Month, National Aphasia Awareness Month, and Fireworks Safety Month (until July 4th). For more information on these and other June National Health Observances, see HealthFinder's National Health Observances Calendar at http://www.healthfinder.gov/library/nho/nho.asp?year=2008#m6.

Looking ahead, Public Health Observances for July include: UV Safety Month, Juvenile Arthritis Awareness Month, and International Group B Strep Awareness Month. For more information on July's National Health Observances, visit http://www.healthfinder.gov/library/nho/nho.asp?year=2008#m7.

Inside HRSA: The June issue of Inside HRSA highlights the work of HRSA's Region V office in Chicago in organizing an initiative to reduce the number of low birth weight babies in Lucas County, Ohio. It also examines a multi-year effort by HRSA's Maternal and Child Health Bureau to make data their grantees collect easy for the public and others to understand. In addition, the issue reports on awards bestowed on two Commissioned Corps members in HRSA's HIV/AIDS Bureau, Hilda Douglas and Rafi Morales, and notes the start of the 2008 National Sample Survey of Registered Nurses. As with every issue, Inside HRSA gives you a snapshot of current news and events and staff on the move.

For the latest HRSA news, as well as previous editions of Inside HRSA, visit the HRSA News Room at http://newsroom.hrsa.gov/.

Program In Focus for June: HRSA's Bureau of Primary Health Care (BPHC) - Through a nationwide network of community and migrant health centers, health care programs for the homeless, and primary care programs for public housing projects, HRSA provides a full range of preventive and primary health care services for rural and urban medically underserved communities.

You can learn more about the BPHC by going to http://bphc.hrsa.gov/. You can also view and order BPHC related publications by going to http://ask.hrsa.gov/Primary.cfm and clicking on the publication titles.


To order, go to our website.

  • Across the Board: Understanding Essential Health Center Financial Information (Spring 2008, Volume 12, Issue 3)
    This bulletin provides essential knowledge to board members regarding their health center's financial performance by explaining health center payments and essential financial statements and reports. It includes samples and descriptions of financial reports that enable board members to ask informed questions, meet their fiduciary responsibility, and make progress towards achieving the health centers mission. The bulletin presents board member profiles and financial information resources. Use inventory code PC00615 to order.

    This publication is also available in Spanish:
    Desde la Junta Directiva: Entender la informacion financiera esencial del centro de salud (Primavera 2008, Volumen 12, Numero 3).
    Use inventory code PC00616 to order the Spanish version.

  • Dentists and Head Start: What You Should Know and How You Can Help
    This fact sheet provides an overview of the Head Start program and the oral health services offered. It explains who participates in Head Start, why enrolled children are at higher risk for oral disease, and the role of Dentists working with Head Start programs. The fact sheet contains resources, references, and end notes. Use inventory code MCH00257 to order.

  • Evidence of Trends, Risk Factors, and Intervention Strategies. A Report from the Healthy Start National Evaluation 2006: Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Infant Mortality
    This report provides an evidence base to support interventions implemented by the national Healthy Start program and other perinatal health initiatives to reduce or eliminate disparities in maternal and infant health outcomes. It describes racial/ethnic disparities in birth outcomes and social risk factors causing poor perinatal outcomes. The report includes tables, figures, and appendices. Use inventory code MCH00255 to order.

  • Policy Brief: Preventing Hospitalization in Depressed Rural Primary Care Patients (May 2007)
    This policy brief provides key findings and implications of a study investigating hospitalization rates for depressed primary care patients in rural areas. It examines whether these patients are more likely to be hospitalized in comparison to patients in urban areas due to differences in utilization of specialty outpatient care and insurance barriers. The brief includes references. Use inventory code ORHP00414 to order.

  • Stakeholder Benefit from Depression Disease Management: Differences by Rurality? (April 2008)
    This paper examines whether stakeholder groups benefit from improved depression disease management in rural and urban delivery systems. It focuses on the potential economic benefit, the reduction of utilization costs for insured rural patients, and the reduction of work costs for their urban counterparts. The paper includes figures and references. Use inventory code ORHP00415 to order.

The HRSA Information Center (IC) houses over a thousand free publications, on a variety of related topics. For more information, visit the HRSA IC at http://www.ask.hrsa.gov/.

To order publications: call 1-888-Ask HRSA, log onto our website http://www.ask.hrsa.gov, or send an e-mail message to ask@hrsa.gov.

The HRSA Information Center (IC) houses over a thousand free publications, on a variety of related topics. For more information, visit the HRSA IC at http://www.ask.hrsa.gov/.

To order publications: call 1-888-Ask HRSA, log onto our website http://www.ask.hrsa.gov, or send an e-mail message to ask@hrsa.gov.

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