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Summer Internships End with Seminars

August 1, 2005

Contact: Jorgeann Hiebert

The ETL 2005 summer internship program culminates this week (August 1-5, 2005) with seminars presented by the students on what projects they were working on and what they learned while in the laboratory. This year ETL employed 15 interns ranging from sophomores in high school to a Master's degree candidate. Five of these students were either minorities and/or females. They came from Idaho, Illinois, and Colorado to work with ETL scientists.

The summer internship program in ETL was started in 1993. The intent was to find high school students in the local area to work with ETL scientists on projects being conducted within the laboratory. Over the past 13 summers, ETL has hosted 115 students from local high schools and colleges. While this opportunity allows students to experience working in the science arena, the primary focus has been to encourage students to stay in the sciences as they progress through their schooling.

For a number of years, NOAA has stressed the need to increase undergraduate training in oceanic and atmospheric science, research, and technology; increase public understanding and support for stewardship of the ocean and atmosphere and improve environmental literacy; and prepare students for careers within NOAA and other science agencies.

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Earth System Research Laboratory
Physical Science Division (PSD)
Environmental Technology Laboratory

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