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Peace Lab

In a setting that combines a classic laboratory and a “situation room,” visitors will engage in hands-on, experiential learning. The open design of the Peace Lab will encourage visitors to access the exhibits in any order they choose. Students will be able to review important case studies, diagnose conflicts using basic analytical frameworks, apply strategies of intervention, and develop peacebuilding skills.

The Lab will include the following elements:

Orientation Exhibit—a model of the Lab will allow visitors to see what is available and plot a course of action.

Immersion Theater—an immersion theater will put visitors “on the ground,” transporting them from the PEC to, for example, the Cambodian killing fields, the Gdansk shipyard protests, or the site of the Dayton Peace Accords signing.

Analyzing Conflict—an overview of the concept of conflict analysis will emphasize the importance of asking the right questions to understand the drivers of conflict and devise appropriate interventions.

Tools Table (Simulations)—an interactive exhibit will allow visitors to try their hand at resolving a fictional conflict. Seating approximately eight, the simulation will assign visitors a role and allow them to become parties in a conflict and/or peacebuilders. This exhibit will highlight the complex and interdependent nature of peacebuilding.

Making Peacebuilders (Exercises)—designed for one or two users, these peace education exercises are intended to build students’ conflict management skills (e.g., what is your negotiating style - accommodating, avoiding, compromising, collaborating; do you have the traits of an effective mediator; what specialized skills could you bring to a peacebuilding initiative?).

Knowledge Stations—through this virtual library visitors will be able to quickly browse the extensive online catalogue of USIP tools and resources.

Paths to Peacebuilding—a culminating game will illustrate the winding path to peace, filled with challenges and obstacles along the way. Visitors will determine the best route to take to reach a peaceful solution to a conflict. Signposts along the way will flag obstacles to peace, opportunities for moving the peace process forward, and dangers of backsliding or losing ground.

Who is a Peacebuilder?—video monitors showing the portraits of successful peacebuilders throughout history will be displayed in this exhibit, accompanied by brief biographical information and audio versions of inspiring quotes. This exhibit will convey the message that peacebuilders come from all walks of life.

1200 17th Street NW
Washington, DC 20036

Phone +1.202.457.1700
Fax +1.202.429.6063