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ATF Provides Small Arms Trafficking Training for Mexican Officers

On Sept. 8-12, 2008, ATF held a small arms trafficking class for about 40 officers from agencies of the Mexican government, including the Procuraduria General de la Republica de Mexico (the PGR, the equivalent of the U.S. Office of the Attorney General), the Secretariat de Seguridad Publica (the federal police force, the uniformed and investigative branch of the PGR), the army and the navy.

From the Archives: The Badges Tell the Story

Congress created the Office of Internal Revenue within the Department of the Treasury (1862) specifically to collect taxes, including highly lucrative tariffs on imported distilled spirits and tobacco products. By 1863, because tax evasion and organized crime activities had become so widespread, Congress authorized the hiring of three detectives to investigate and prosecute (alcohol) tax evaders.

From the Archives: The Mysterious Disappearance of Ray Sutton

On Aug. 27, 1930, Federal Prohibition Agent Ray Sutton filed his routine daily report from his post of duty, Clayton, N.M., to the deputy Prohibition administrator of the Albuquerque, N.M., Office. That would be the last report he ever filed.

From the Archives: A National Treasure Rediscovered

Sometime in the mid-1970s, while Director Rex Davis was standing up ATF as an independent bureau, Public Information Officer Howard Criswell, Jr., presented him with an important document for ATF’s upcoming Bicentennial exhibit. Criswell had successfully bid on the document at an auction in New York City.

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