National Wildlife Refuge
Alaska Region   

Alaska Refuges Report Series

The Alaska Region of the National Wildlife Refuge System reports its study findings through the Alaska Refuges Report series.  This series publishes peer reviewed scientific findings to provide valuable information and data interpretation to natural resource managers, our partners and the public.  Click on the highlighted link at the end of each report title to download a copy of the report.  Additional reports are posted on individual Refuge websites.  Major scientific results of broad interest to the field of study may also be published in appropriate peer reviewed professional journals.

Reports – Listed by Refuge

Realty and Natural Resources:

Steele-Feldman, A. and Reynolds J.H. 2007. User's Guide for Steller's Eider Band-Recapture Database, Izembek National Wildlife Refuge. Alaska Refuges Report Series no. 07-003 (pdf).

Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge:

Renner, H.M. and J.H. Reynolds. 2007. Mapping distribution and relative density of nesting least and crested auklets at Segula Island, Alaska, May-June 2006. Alaska Refuges Report Series no. 07-001 (pdf).

Togiak National Wildlife Refuge:

Walsh, P.A., A. Aderman, and M. Winfree.  2007.  Monitoring the recovery of lichen communities on Hagermeister Island.  U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Togiak National Wildlife Refuge, Dillingham, Alaska.  Alaska Refuges Report Series no. 07-002 (pdf).

Walsh, P. A., Kaufman D., and Liedberg P. 2007. Inventory of the Ahklun Mountain glaciers, southwest Alaska. U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Togiak National Wildlife Refuge, Dillingham, Alaska. Alaska Refuges Report Series no. 07-004 (pdf).

Last updated: April 25, 2008
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