Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
Alaska Region   
[This page may need to be printed in "landscape" orientation because of the wide map.]

Caribou Movements in a Late Spring Year (1987)

map of caribou movements showing calving in Canada, then summer on 1002 area - USFWS

When spring comes late to the range of the Porcupine Caribou Herd (PCH), migration of caribou to their traditional calving grounds on the foothills and coastal plain of the Arctic Refuge is delayed.

This map shows the herd's calving distribution and post calving movements as represented by the movements of a satellite-collared cow caribou during the late spring of 1987.

In most years a majority of the herd's calves are born on the foothills and coastal plain of the Arctic Refuge. In 1987, most calves were born in Canada and along the migration route. After the calves were strong enough to travel, the herd moved to the Arctic Refuge to get nutritious forage. In July the animals moved to coastal areas to find relief from mosquitos.

September 12, 2008