Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
Alaska Region   

Frequently Asked Questions

Who manages the Arctic Refuge, and what is the Refuge for?

The Refuge is managed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, a federal agency within the Department of the Interior. The original "Arctic National Wildlife Range" was created in 1960 by Public Land Order 2214 "For the purpose of preserving unique wildlife, wilderness and recreational values." Then in 1980, the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act (ANILCA) enlarged the area, designated much of the original Range as Wilderness under the 1964 Wilderness Act (the part left out was the 1002 Area), renamed the whole area the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, and created four additional purposes. The ANILCA purposes are: (a) to conserve fish and wildlife populations and habitats in their natural diversity with special emphasis on the Porcupine caribou herd (including participation in coordinated ecological studies and management of this herd and the Western Arctic caribou herd), polar bears, grizzly bears, muskox, Dall sheep, wolves, wolverines, snow geese, peregrine falcons and other migratory birds and Arctic char (those residing in Alaska's North Slope rivers and lagoons are now classified as Dolly Varden) and grayling; (b) to fulfill the international fish and wildlife treaty obligations of the United States; (c) to provide the opportunity for continued subsistence uses by local residents; and (d) to ensure water quality and necessary water quantity within the refuge.

What threatened, endangered and invasive species are in the Arctic Refuge?

One of the factors that makes the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge a very special place is that, as far as we know, there are no species that should be here but are not, and no species that should not be here, but are. In other words, no species of plant or animal is missing, and no outside species has invaded the Refuge. The only endangered species that may reach the Refuge is the Spectacled Eider. These birds, however, generally nest further west, so even if they were not reduced in number it is very rare for one to appear on the Refuge. There are no other species in the Refuge that are either threatened or endangered.

Where can I find information about visiting the Arctic Refuge?

Visitor information is available on our web site by clicking the "Visitors & Educators" button on the left of each page.

How many people visit the Refuge each year?

Most visitors to the Arctic Refuge plan their trips for the short summer season of June, July and August. Visitor numbers have remained relatively stable over the past 20 years, ranging between approximately 1,200 and 1,500 each year. In 2007, 78 commercially guided hunters, 223 commercially transported but unguided hunters, 566 commercially guided recreational visitors, and 296 commercially transported but unguided recreational visitors spent time in the Refuge, for a total of 1163 commercially-supported visitors. Each commercially guided or transported visitor spends, on average, between 7 and 12 days in the Refuge, which corresponds to approximately 11,630 visitor use days per year (10 days per visit, times 1163 visitors). Because of the vast size of the Refuge and the unlimited number of entry points, it is difficult to estimate the number of independent visitors who come into the Refuge using their own planes, boats, or on foot, but we believe it ranges from approximately 200 to 500 individuals each year.

How can I get to the Arctic Refuge?

Most of the Refuge is accessible only by aircraft. From Fairbanks, most visitors take a commercial flight to Fort Yukon, Deadhorse, Arctic Village or Kaktovik, and charter a smaller bush plane from there.

Can I drive within the Refuge?

No. An undisturbed wilderness, the Refuge remains roadless. Limited access is provided by the Dalton Highway (a gravel road) which almost touches the western tip of the Refuge.

Are there lodgings in the Refuge?

Lodging is available at Kaktovik, at the northern edge of the Refuge. There are no established campgrounds or campsites within the Refuge. Camp grounds are available outside the Refuge at locations along the Dalton Highway.

When is the best time to see large groups of caribou?

There are two herds of caribou that use the Arctic Refuge. In late May, females of the Porcupine Caribou herd usually begin arriving at their calving grounds on the coastal plain of the Refuge. As the weather becomes hotter, the rest of the herd arrives, forming large aggregations of caribou. By July, the caribou begin the return journey to their wintering grounds in Canada and the southern parts of the Refuge. In some years, caribou of the Central Arctic Herd also spend the summer on the Refuge coastal plain. Their fall migration usually begins in late summer. The timing and routes the two herds choose are unpredictable, making it a challenge for visitors to plan trips to see the migrations.

Why might oil development occur on the Refuge?

In 1978 and 1979, as the U.S. House and Senate were debating the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act (ANILCA), the House passed legislation to designate the north part of the Arctic Refuge as wilderness (along with other lands farther south in the Refuge), but the Senate wanted to keep the options open for oil development on the north coast of the Refuge. When ANILCA became law in 1980, most of the Refuge coastal plain was not designated wilderness. Instead, it was decided that only Congress could decide whether to allow oil exploration and drilling in the area. Section 1003 of ANILCA reads "production of oil and gas from the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is prohibited and no leasing or other development leading to production of oil and gas from the [Refuge] shall be undertaken until authorized by an act of Congress." Because of this 1980 law, the decision about development or protection of this northern part of the Arctic Refuge rests in the hands of the US Congress.

What is the Arctic Refuge staff opinion of oil development in the Refuge?

The Fish and Wildlife Service manages the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge for all Americans. As employees of the Service, we do not personally promote or oppose legislation relating to Congressional Actions. As professional biologists, we present scientific information about Refuge wildlife and habitats.

What are the policy positions on energy?

Secretary of the Interior Gale Norton's 2003 testimony to the U.S. House Committee on Resources about the Arctic Refuge.

September 12, 2008