The National Security Agency (NSA) is committed to the establishment and maintenance of world-class environmental, safety, and occupational health programs—programs designed to protect the environment and health of our people, our customers, and the communities where we operate. The Agency strives to operate in this manner not only to comply with laws and regulations, but also to demonstrate responsible environmental stewardship and maintain a positive relationship with our community stakeholders. NSA recognizes that operational, economic, environmental, public, and social concerns are all integrally linked to the Agency's future mission. Meeting the commitment to protect these concerns is a primary senior management objective—as well as the individual and collective responsibility of all Agency employees worldwide. To that end, NSA shall:

  • Comply with all applicable Federal, State, and local environmental laws and regulations; and all applicable Department of Defense (DoD) regulations, guidance, and Executive orders.
  • Establish management systems for environmental, health, and safety concerns based on recognized standards, and set Agency-wide goals for continuous improvement.
  • Integrate environmental, health, and safety concerns into our business plans and decisions—including the design, implementation, production, and support of our processes and services.
  • Reduce environmental impacts and conserve natural resources by seeking to cost-effectively avoid the creation of pollution and wastes from our processes and services—to include construction, industrial processes, and procurement of supplies—through the minimization of waste and emissions, reuse and recycling of material, and responsible management of energy and water use.
  • Work with suppliers, contractors, and customers to promote responsible environmental, safety, and health practices.
  • Manage remaining wastes through environmentally safe and responsible methods and vendors.
  • Motivate and prepare all employees to take personal accountability for protecting the environment and creating a safe and healthy workplace.
  • Be a leader in deploying and promoting innovative, cost-effective environmental, health, and safety technologies and procedures both within and outside of the Agency.
  • Act quickly and responsibly to correct incidents or conditions that endanger the environment, and inform those who may be affected.
  • Regularly review and improve this policy, communicate it to employees, and make it available to public stakeholders.

Keith B. Alexander
National Security Agency