Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
Alaska Region   

Recording Bird Observations

photo of male King Eider - USFWSIf you will be visiting the Arctic Refuge and have an interest in birds, we'd like your assistance documenting the distribution and abundance of the birds you see during your trip. The Refuge covers a vast geographic area and a variety of habitats, many of which are seldom visited by Refuge biologists. By filling out bird observation cards when you are traveling through the Refuge, you can provide useful information about the birds you see. Your observations will help us update the Refuge bird list and document occurrences of rare and accidental species.

Refuge biologists fill out an observation card daily. You may do the same, or fill out a card whenever you have an opportunity. Some different birds occur on the north versus the south portions of the Refuge, so there are different observation cards for each half, with both cards covering the Brooks Range. Before you travel, print out copies of one or both of the cards you will need, depending on where you plan to go.

The following files are in pdf format. (PDF information.)

When your trip is completed, please mail your card(s) to the Refuge ornithologist:

Steve Kendall, Ornithologist
Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
101 12th Ave., Room 236
Fairbanks, Alaska 99701

We appreciate your assistance.

September 12, 2008