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Linking Policy

The White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for Hispanic Americans has established links to external web sites sponsored by education groups for informational purposes only as a public service to its customers. Links to these web sites are provided as a tool to help visitors explore the wide range of options available and make informed choices about education resources and opportunities.

Consideration for linking will be extended to organizations supporting the mission of the Initiative. Site sponsors must have a demonstrated track record of providing reliable public information about education resources that helps students, families, educators, policy makers, and the public, and can include:

Links to web servers of outside organizations will be provided only if the information is judged to be clearly central, essential, and indispensable to the implementation of the mission of the Initiative. Evaluation criteria will focus on:

The Initiative will not link to sites that exhibit hate, bias, or discrimination. The Initiative reserves the right to deny or remove links if it is determined that a group's web site is primarily commercial in nature (i.e., advertising a product, charging a usage fee, soliciting user information, etc.), if there is any indication of misleading or unsubstantiated claims, or if it is judged to be in conflict with the Initiative's mission.

Last Modified: 09/12/2007