Center For Integrating Research and Learning | Pioneers in Electricity and Magnetism
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ArrowResearch Experiences for Undergraduates (REU)

REU Program 2006
A student explains her research during the 2006 REU poster session.

This summer internship program matches qualified undergraduate students with scientists and researchers at the Magnet Lab's three sites. The eight-week research experience offers unique opportunities to explore science at the extremes of magnetic field, pressure and temperature. Students explore contemporary science and engineering issues, working alongside some of the finest scientists, magnet designers and engineers in the world. The research conducted is sophisticated: 2006 REU alumna Xiomaris Cotto was selected to present her abstract at the 2006 Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students in California.

Each student accepted by the program receives a stipend and, if necessary, travel support and housing.

The Mag Lab offers a wide range of science, math, engineering and interdisciplinary experiences in physics, chemistry, biological sciences, geochemistry, materials science and magnet science and engineering. Summer interns, working closely with their faculty mentors, are thoroughly integrated into these research and development activities. Students broaden their knowledge of the diverse research that takes place here by attending weekly seminars and colloquia.


To apply for the 2009 program, which runs from June 8 to July 31, 2009, click on the application link above. The application deadline is March 31, 2009. Please note:

  • The program accepts United States citizens only.
  • Housing is provided for out-of-area students, students who are placed at the Tallahassee site and do NOT attend Florida State University or students who are placed at the University of Florida site and do NOT attend the University of Florida.
  • Travel reimbursements of up to $600 are paid to students who do NOT attend FSU or do not have permanent residence in Tallahassee. If your parents or legal guardians live in Tallahassee, you are not eligible for reimbursement.
  • You are required to participate in the entire eight weeks of the program.


Arranged by year, these archives include photos, information on participants and PowerPoint presentations or posters on the research they conducted.

Select a Year


Here's what some REU alumni had to say about the program:

This was an outstanding experience. Probably the best I've had in my college career thus far.

"This was an outstanding experience. Probably the best I've had in my college career thus far."
– Mack Warren, Class of 2006
   Colorado State University

"The experience was the best summer of my life. My supervisors and mentors were extremely friendly, polite, helpful, dedicated and understanding. The social activities organized by the CIRL coordinators and the REUs were loads of never-ending fun. It also gave me an opportunity to grow as an independent person, living away from family and friends. I made many friendships that I know will last a lifetime."
– Danish Haque, Class of 2006
   University of Houston

"The REU Program was an awesome experience from beginning to the end. Students came from different parts of the world and from different cultures. We all got to share and learn from each other. Moreover, there was always someone from the REU staff giving a hand. I never felt that I was alone."
– Xiomaris Cotto, Class of 2006
   University of Puerto Rico-Cayey

For more information contact Jose Sanchez at or (850) 645-0033.

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