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Economics and Finance

Economics and Finance
Subject Description
Air Carrier Compensation Where do I find information and list of air carrier payments?
Air Fares - Quarterly Reports Where can I find consumer air fare quarterly reports?
Airline Finance and Traffic Where would I find traffic and financial data for air carriers?
Airline Financial and Operating Data Where can I find airline financial information?
Effect of Terrorism on Transportation How have the events of 9/11 -- and terrorism in general -- affected transportation in the United States
Freight - Air Carrier Forecasts Where do I find aviation activity forecasts?
Freight Economics & Finance Where can I find out about freight transportation demand?
Gas Prices How are gasoline prices established?
Highway Funding How are highways financed?
Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU) Where can I find information about Safe, Accountable, Flexible and Efficient Transportation Equity Act (SAFETEA)?
Ticket Refund Information Where can I get ticket refund information?
TSA Security Fees Where can I find information about the Aviation Security Infrastructure Fees imposed by the Transportation Security Administration?

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