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March 6-7, 2008
Meeting Agenda

Hotel Palomar Arlington
1121 North 19th Street
Arlington, VA 22209

THURSDAY, march 6

9:00 am

Session 1: The American Health Care Predicament

David Mechanic, Ph.D.
Institute for Health, Health Care Policy, and Aging Research
Rutgers University

10:30 am Break

10:45 am    

Session 2: American Health Care: The Problems of Access and Cost

Mark V. Pauly, Ph.D.
The Wharton School
University of Pennsylvania

12:30 pm Lunch break

2:00 pm

Session 3: The Paradox of Plenty

Elliott S. Fisher, M.D., M.P.H.
Center for Health Policy Research and Clinical Practice
Dartmouth Medical School

4:00 pm Adjournment

FRIDAY, March 7

8:30 am

Session 4: The Ethics of Newborn Screening

Council Discussion of Staff Working Paper

9:30 am Break

9:45 am

Session 5: Human Dignity and Bioethics: Essays Commissioned by the President’s Council on Bioethics

A Panel Discussion

Jean Bethke Elshtain, Ph.D.
University of Chicago

Steven Pinker, Ph.D.
Harvard University

Eva Brann, Ph.D.
St. John’s College

11:45 am Session 6: Public Comments

12:00 pm Adjournment

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