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February 13-14, 2002 Meeting Agenda

Loews L'Enfant Plaza Hotel
480 L'Enfant Plaza, S.W.
Ballroom A
Washington, D.C. 20024

Thursday, February 13

8:30 am Welcome and Opening Remarks
8:45 am

Session 1: Human Cloning 4: Proper Use of Language

Working Paper # 5: On Terminology

10:00 am    


10:15 am

Session 2: Human Cloning 5: National Academies' Report
"Scientific and Medical Aspects of Human Reproductive Cloning."

Irving L. Weissman, M.D.

12:00 pm


1:30 pm

Session 3: Human Cloning 6: Ethical Issues in "Reproductive" Cloning.

Working Paper # 6: The Ethics of "Reproductive" Cloning: Child, Family, and Society.

3:00 pm Break
3:15 pm   Session 4: Human Cloning 7: Ethical Issues in "Reproductive" Cloning Continued

5:00 pm

Session 5: Ethical Conduct of Council Members
Q &; A with Administration Attorney.

(Not herein transcribed)

5:30 pm Adjournment

FRIDAY, February 14

8:30 am

Session 6: Human Cloning 8: Ethical Issues in Therapeutic/Research" Cloning

10:00 am Break

10:15 am

Session 7: Human Cloning 9: Ethical Issues in Therapeutic/Research" Cloning, Continued

11:45 am Break
12:00 pm Session 8: Public Comments

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