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Help - Manage User
Overview of manage users functionality
Manage Users functionality allows the Authorizing Official of an organization to manage all the users within the organization. This includes governing their privileges and controlling their account access.

The Authorizing Official can perform the following tasks:
  1. Manage permissions - Use this feature to delegate or revoke privileges
  2. Remove User From Organization - Use this feature to terminate access of user accounts to prevent users from applying on behalf of your organization.
How can I manage the users that are associated with my organization?
You must have the 'Manage Users' privilege to manage users of your organization. If you have the privilege a 'Manage Users' link will appear on the left hand side menu.

Follow the steps below to manage the user account:
  1. Search for the registered users associated with your organization.
  2. Choose the user whose account you want to update.
  3. Choose the action that you want to take on the user account.
  4. Confirm your choice.
If you have updated the user permissions, the user will be able to perform or not perform those actions the next time he/she logs into the site. It is your responsibility to ensure that the right users in your organization have the required permissions.
What are the different privileges for the users?
There are four different privileges assigned to users in the context of the organization. These are described below.
  1. Create application: Allows the user to begin a new application on behalf of the organization. This privilege is granted by default to all users registered for the organization.
  2. Submit applications: Allows the user to submit applications on behalf of the organization. This privilege is granted by default to all users registered as Authorizing Official. The creator of an application has to give peer access to the individual having this privilege if the application has to be submitted in the absence of the AO.
  3. Manage Organization Profile: Allows the user to update organization name, address and communication contact. This privilege is granted by default to the first AO for the organization.
  4. Manage Users: Allows the user to manage the other users of the organization. A user having this permission can update privileges of other users.
It is the responsibility of the AOs to ensure that the right users in their organization have the required privileges.
In the past I was able to disable accounts, but now I don't see that option; Why?
You must have the 'Manage Users' privilege to manage users of your organization.

Because HRSA EHBs now allow one user to register for multiple organizations using the same username, the username and thereby the account now belongs to the user. However, you can control whether the user is associated with your organization. If you remove a user from your organization's profile, the user cannot apply or work on behalf of your organization. Such users cannot register again for your organization with the same username.

If for any reason you feel that the user's account be disabled, contact HRSA Call Center.