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ArrowAffiliated Programs

Several scientific programs housed in the Magnet Lab's Tallahassee headquarters maintain strong, collaborative ties with the institution.

Brüschweiler Laboratory

Under the direction of Rafael Brüschweiler, associate director for biophysics with the Mag Lab’s NMR program and member of the Science Council, this laboratory focuses on the development and application of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) methods and computation for studying the structure, dynamics and function of proteins and small molecules. The lab also focuses on fast NMR methods (covariance NMR) as well as quantitative and automated analysis of metabolomic mixtures.

Cao Group

This lab has developed a femtosecond electron diffraction (FED) technique with an unprecedented capability of directly measuring the ultrafast structural dynamics on the fundamental time scale of a single atomic vibrational period in solids. The lab is applying this technique to study several condensed matter physics problems with both fundamental importance and technological implications.

Quantum Spin Dynamics

This lab features a dilution refrigerator and a superconducting vector magnet that allows low temperature studies of magnetic samples in complex magnetic field configurations. Their research focuses on quantum effects at nanoscopic scale, in particular quantum computation and spin dynamics in two possible cases: magnetic molecules and superconducting flux qubits.

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