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Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary Answer Page

Part 1 - Answers to Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary Data Exercise

  1. Areas with more shipwrecks - San Miguel Island and the south side of Santa Rosa Island. Reasons Ç prevailing currents, weather conditions, and natural hazards.
  2. There are no particular times of year when there were more shipwrecks reported. Ships could encounter bad weather and fog in any season on the West Coast, and this factor, combined with navigational hazards, led many ships to their graveyards.
  3. Channel Islands - Number of shipwrecks before 1942 - 22 Number of shipwrecks after 1942 - 8 This difference can be attributed to the refinement of radar technology needed for use in World War II. Radar significantly improved the ability for ships to detect other ships and potential navigational hazards.

Part 2 - Answers to Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary Questions

  1. Winfield Scott (1853) and Cuba (1923), Pacific Mail Steamship Co.
  2. W T Co. No. 3, Mutiny On The Bounty
  3. J. M. Colman, Dora Bluhm, Comet
  4. Wampas (a.k.a. Grey Ghost)
  5. Jane L. Stanford
  6. Winfield Scott

Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Answer Page

Part 1 - Answers to Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Data Exercise

  1. Areas with more shipwrecks - Monterey and Carmel Reasons - shallow, rocky coastal areas, fog, winds, and storms.
  2. There are no particular times of year when there were more shipwrecks reported. Ships could encounter bad weather and fog in any season on the West Coast, and this factor, combined with navigational hazards, led many ships to their graveyards.
  3. Number of shipwrecks before 1942 - 29 Number of shipwrecks after 1942 - 1 This difference can be attributed to the refinement of radar technology needed for use in World War II. Radar significantly improved the ability for ships to detect other ships and potential navigational hazards.

Part 2 - Answers to Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Questions:

  1. Pescadero; due to shipwreck Colombia
  2. Gipsy
  3. Carrier Pigeon
  4. Rhine Maru; vessel Panama and barge S. Catania were lost
  5. Rhine Maru
  6. Frank H. Buck

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Gulf of the Farallones/Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary Answer Page

Part 1 - Answers to Gulf of the Farallones and Cordell Ban National Marine Sanctuary Data Exercise

  1. Areas with more shipwrecks - Point Reyes, Point Bolinas, and the South Farallon Islands Reasons - hazardous navigation, year-round fog, dangerous winds and storms.
  2. There are no particular times of year when there were more shipwrecks reported. Ships could encounter bad weather and fog in any season on the West Coast, and this factor, combined with navigational hazards, led many ships to their graveyards.
  3. Number of shipwrecks before 1942 - 27 Number of shipwrecks after 1942 - 3 This difference can be attributed to the refinement of radar technology needed for use in World War II. Radar significantly improved the ability for ships to detect other ships and potential navigational hazards.

Part 2 - Answers to Gulf of the Farallones/Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary Questions:

  1. Jacob Luckenbach & Hawaiian Pilot
  2. S.S. Lewis, "propeller"
  3. Henry Bergh
  4. Lammermoor
  5. Louis
  6. Puerto Rican

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Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary Answer Page

Part 1 - Answers to Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary Data Exercise

  1. Areas with more shipwrecks - Cape Flattery and La Push Reasons - weather, rocky shores
  2. There are no particular times of year when there were more shipwrecks reported. Ships could encounter bad weather and fog in any season on the West Coast, and this factor, combined with navigational hazards, led many ships to their graveyards.Number of shipwrecks before 1942 - 26
  3. Number of shipwrecks after 1942 - 4 This difference can be attributed to the refinement of radar technology needed for use in World War II. Radar significantly improved the ability for ships to detect other ships and potential navigational hazards.

Part 2 - Answers to Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary Questions:

  1. Coast Trader
  2. General M. C. Meigs
  3. Port Gordon, Austria, Emily Farnum
  4. St. Nicholas
  5. Lamut
  6. Temple Bar

Answers to General Shipwreck Questions:

  1. Tennessee Cove, Tennessee, Pigeon Point, Carrier Pigeon, Harlech Castle Rock, Harlech Castle, Ventura Rock, Ventura, Franklin Point, Sir John Franklin, (MBNMS), Noonday Rock, Noonday, (GFNMS), Umatilla Reef, Umatilla (OCNMS).
  2. G. W. Prescott (CINMS), Louis (GFNMS), Samoa (GFNMS), and Emily Farnum (OCNMS)
  3. Goldenhorn (CINMS), Matterhorn, OCNMS
  4. U.S. Life-Saving Service
  5. Pectan (CINMS), Frank H. Buck (MBNMS)


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